
Little is known about the one who leads the Ratfolk. They sometimes pour into the lands of other races to attack and conquer them, but apparently, the King is not involved and just wants to be left alone. If I must say so, I get the feeling the leader of the Vermin Kingdom has lost the will to rule years ago.

- Unknown Hikamera Elf scholar

The Vermin King, both titled and named as such, is one of the two immortal leaders of the Terefah and the supreme ruler of the northern lands of the Vermin Kingdom and is widely seen as the ruler of the entire race. Sharing control over the Ratfolk with the Vermin Queen, he is one of the heads of state of the Ratfolk, one of the original Terefah inflicted with the Rat Curse and currently the only one able to spread it.

Unlike the Vermin Queen who thirsts for conquest of the surface world, the Vermin King is content to stay underground and remain isolated in order to ensure the safety of his people, making allies with those willing to accept his existence. The Vermin King is a just and merciful ruler known to allow exiles from other civilizations into his ranks, turning them into wererats so that they become one with his great rat-like family.


The Vermin King is one of the Terefah who were originally Deiwos individuals and were cursed into being transformed into rats by an unknown party. Because of his special properties, it is assumed that the Vermin King was the leader of the individuals cursed by this unknown entity, and like the rest of his kind, he served under the entity as a slave for the next years. The Vermin King is believed to be the one who initiated the rebellion which resulted in the defeat and death of his people's curser, and once the Terefah became free, the Vermin King founded the Vermin Kingdom and ordered his people to move deeper underground, where he hoped that they would be free from the oppression of the surface-dwellers.

Through the ages, the Vermin King has led his rats, accepted servants and allied individuals such as Big Beard Clamak, and his view of life gradually grew colder the more time passed. This reached its apex when he became separated from his wife, the Vermin Queen, after the division of the Kingdom in North and South. The Vermin King has since then been considered a depressive being.



The Vermin King appears as an average-sized Terefah, though he can be easily distinguished from the others by his silver, almost shining coat of fur, not present in any other member of his race. In addition, the Vermin King wears ornaments on his forehead which serve as a primitive equivalent of a crown. The Vermin King is over thirty times older than any Terefah in existence, but he maintains a young appearance which can be compared to a young male of his species.


The Vermin King is a cold entity who does not display emotions very often, and it is often said he has not been seen smiling in hundreds of years. It is speculated that the Vermin King genuinely sees his existence as a curse, but as he is undying he is forced to spend his days watching his people die while he remains alive. Regarding his subjects, the Vermin King is a just and merciful leader who listens to the complaints given to him and makes efforts to right his wrongs. Like all Terefah, the Vermin King has a deep distaste for all surface-dwelling Deiwos, though he is fabled on the surface world as accepting members of any race as his servants. The Vermin King also has great tolerance for dwarves, likely because of his positive experiences with the Kyrsacov.


The Vermin King is the only Terefah in modernity who has the ability of spreading the Rat Curse to other living beings. Through biting, the Vermin King can turn other creatures into wererats in a matter of instants. Additionally, he also has the ability of seeing the world through the eyes of any other Terefah or wererat in Koldenwelt, making him arguably omniscient inside of his domain. The Vermin King is biologically immortal due to the Rat Curse and cannot be slain by any known means. Killing the Vermin King results in his body turning into ash before being reformed hours later in a safe location.



Yellow faceSpeak you mind, servant.


Orange faceYour welcome wears thin.

  • Vermin Queen - There is nothing to be said that has not already been said.


Red faceI have had quite enough.

  • N/A


The King of the Rats. While I have never seen the "man" in person, the Kyrsacov speak highly of his name often. My mind still ponders how such an entity could come to exist... and what higher powers would have been so cruel to trap a man in such a state.

- Jalaric Hathgar

Ah, the Vermin King. I hear that he's dealt with quite a fair few Lagosi exiles in his time. Then again, he's probably dealt with quite a fair few things in his time, considering that he's, well, ageless.

- Kanna

A king of zhe vermin is hardly a king at all. Vhat is zhere to take pride vizhin vhen your kingdom consists of creazures vorse zhan peasants?

- Dragostea




