

The Gatorsapiens are a race of sentient alligators that are involved in a long war with the Crocosapiens and the Gharsapiens. The Gatorsapiens are mostly playful and enjoy singing and dancing. They call themselves the "Gator folk" and love to live in swamps. They are currentely part of the Shymiran Divisional Federation. The females are smaller than the males but are just as fun-loving. The females are experts at singing while the males are good at dancing. When angered, the Gatorsapiens use simple technology such as basic blasters and laser rifles to attack. When they get really angry, they use their claws, tails and sharp jaws to attack.

Venus de Gator[]

The mighty Venus de Gator is the Gator Queen and calls herself the "Queen of the Swamp". Venus has been queen for a year now and is 17 years old. She is the youngest queen ever to rule the Gatorsapiens. She is still learning the basics of being a queen, but is liked by her people. She is funny and has a good sense of humor. She is also peaceful and wants a permanent truce between the Crocosapiens and the Gharsapiens. She is an expert in diplomacy and has been trying to get in contact with other empires. She has recently been contacted by the Sylit Republic. She is developing an affection for Vice Admiral Aturox.


The Gatorsapiens follow no particular religion. However, they do celebrate festivals about a Gatorsapien hero called Bandito Carlito. He was a mastermind that founded Gator City and was the only Gatorsapien to ever win in a duel with the evil Baron Apollo, who lived many years ago.


The Gatorsapiens select jobs at the age of 13 as they need to support themselves and earn money when they make families. Also, these jobs help keep Gator City, which is built over a large river, from going out of control.


A common job for Gatorsapiens. These farmers farm fish which like to swim in the river. The Gatorsapiens call these fish "Yodies". Yodies are a common food for the Gatorsapiens and resemble pikes, both in apearance and size. Each farmer is given a patch of river to work in. The farmers are supposed to breed the Yodies and then eat the adults since Yodies can only breed once in a lifetime. The babies then reproduce and the Gatorsapiens eat them when they breed. Each farmer is given two tools to farm the Yodies, a net and a spear.


A common job for rich females who are good at singing. They are trained by professional singers. Singers are known for producing beautiful lyrics and voices. The most famous singer yet was a Gatorsapien called Madam Tuss, who had sung "Down South River".


A common job for rich males who are good at dancing. They are trained by expert dancers and choreographers. Dancers are known for their fun and hilarious dance moves. The most famous dancer yet was a Gatorsapien called Senoir Crueso, who had danced to "Down South River".


A job for only the eagle-eyed Gatorsapiens. Shooters are Gatorsapiens who carry laser rifles with them and shoot at anybody or anything that threatens Gator City. Shooters are also used as Venus de Gator's bodyguards. These shooters are experts at what they do. The most famous Gatorsapien shooter was Bandito Tyrone, who was able to shoot an Epic Shaell right in the middle of its chest and kill it.
