
We are superior to the other Draconians, we gave much to our less intelligent cousins and they repaid us by driving us from our homes!!

- Heretic Zesher Dreso

The Highland Draconians are one of the three main branches of the Draconian species evolution line. These tall and winged lizards have grown accustomed to life on the mountainous regions of the Draconian continents. The Highland Draconians have learned to travel great distances and at great heights with their unique ability to fly, which has led to the development of a superior and controlling nature for typical Highlanders.

Physical Appearance[]

One of the most distinguished features of the Highland Draconians are their large leathery wings. These wings are strong enough to carry an individual Highlander up to altitudes of up to 12,000 feet. Another feature of the Highland Draconians are the three spikes, one located on each elbow, and one grown from the tips of their tails. These spikes help act as natural weapons should the Highland Draconian become ambushed when unarmed.

The Highland Draconian is not very well protected, unlike the Heartlanders, even without armor; their armor-like plates that grow along the belly and back of the creature are smaller and most likely offer less protection than a Heartlander's plates. The wings are a unique feature to the Highlanders, their ability to fly offers them a great advantage when fighting the other species of Draconians, and because of their biological superiority (or so they think), other species tend to think of the Highlanders as stuck-up or overly prideful.

Implanted on the Highland Draconian’s forehead is a small cluster of hard crystals, this is the Draconian’s core. All Draconian species has a core cluster growing on their foreheads since hatching, these mysterious crystals provide strength and longevity natural for the Draconians as a whole; if damaged, the individual may grow weak, or even expire.

Home World[]

The Highland Draconians are native sentients of Draconia, a hot arid world located in the Actok System, which is shared by the other subspecies of Draconians.

The planet itself is located at the center of the Draconian Militarized Zone, which composes of nearly every star system within the Ember Cluster star group. Rich in heavy metals, Draconia has served as the most productive planets within the Ember Cluster, however, the Draconian's high material consumption has led to a great need of interstellar colonization.


Draconia's sole moon, Telloiris, was formed billions of years ago after an immense meteor impacted the young molten planet, ejecting enough materials into orbit that eventually accreted into a small moon; the material that was not part of Telloiris' accretion became the Draconian ring system. Telloiris is the largest object within the Draconian ring system, roughly 6,000 km in diameter and has become tidally locked to Draconia early after it's formation.

By the year 10,527 D.E., resources on Draconia began to grow slim, and in an effort to circumnavigate this, the Draconians sought to tap the resources of the other nearby planets within the Actok System. Telloiris was the first attempt at terraforming by the Draconians, and has become a major star port for the Draconian Armed Forces.


Draconian Triad

The Draconian Triad, symbol of the Draconian Empire

The Draconian society is led purely on military might, the armies do the talking for the Draconian race. The Draconians themselves are ruled by an emperor, one born of noble blood, or appointed to the strongest individual if there are no heirs to the previous lineage. The Emperor acts as a figure head for his people, and is also the highest authority in the Draconian army.

The Draconian Triad, symbol of the Draconian Empire, also reflects the governing race of the Empire. The triad composes of a hollowed triangle, with three spike-like appendages leading outward, and three gemstones filling the triangle's interior. The spiked arms of the triad represent the three powerful spikes that grow on the Draconians, and the gemstones represent the three Draconian species: red for Heartlanders, orange for Highlanders, and yellow for Lowlanders.

Due to the radial symmetry of the triad, when a new Emperor of a different species is crowned, it is tradition that the triad is rotated so that the ruling species gemstone is pointed up.


City Structure[]

Typical Draconian cities are very large, spanning up to a hundred miles or more. These cities face constant danger from the planet's harsh biosphere, and as such, every city has a massive wall constructed around their boarders, lined with stationary gunnery turrets.

Beyond these imposing walls lie the residential and business blocks, where non-military personnel make their living, working to better and strengthen the empire. Further beyond these areas like the production refineries and facilities, where raw materials are harvested and processed to serve use for the Draconian Armed Forces. Near the core of every city like the garrison and training blocks for military personnel. These military areas are heavily guarded against attack from land, sea, and air, ensuring the safety of their operations and their armed forces.

Highland cities are built along the mountain ranges and volcanoes of Draconia. Being a heavily religious people, their cities are built where they believe spiritual links to the gods lie.

Military Doctrine[]

The Draconian military is generally composed of highly trained, professionally skilled warriors. Each division is categorized by level of training, military experience, specialization of skill, and by species. Highland Draconians make the best shock soldiers, fast, hard-hitting, and able to fly; several squadrons of specially trained Highlanders are enough to ambush and overwhelm invading armies.

When a young male Draconian's horns are fully grown, they are considered mature enough to enlist in the Draconian Armed Forces (D.A.F.), and are encouraged to do so. From there, they are trained in many arts of armed and unarmed combat; a Draconian learns not only how to utilize manufactured weapons and munitions, but to also use their very body as a weapon. While Draconians appear to be brutal and mindless killing machines, they are trained to be honorable in combat. A Draconian usually stays in the military until they are too old to continue fighting, and are then discharged from the service.

Not all male Draconians enlist in the armed forces, those that don't are considered feeble of both mind and body by the populous; which is considered a major insult to the species.

Public Relations[]

Because of the Draconian's sizable empire, powerful weapons, and brutal efficiency of their armies, other species tend to avoid or fear the Draconian Empire. Most of this reputation was built on the savage takeover of the Ember Cluster by the Draconians in their desire to gather more resources to support their society.

It wasn't until the year 15,012 D.E. that the advances of the Draconian Empire were halted through diplomatic negotiations with the Slashatoras Empire. It was through this shaky peace settlement that led to interstellar trade for the Draconians. Due to the profitability of trade, the Draconians gradually softened their military conquests, and became more open to other species.
