
We wish to learn...and protect.

- Xilic Scientist

The Xilics are a race of highly-advanced cricket-like insects from the planet Xiliaan.



The first modern Xilic colonies first appeared around 5 1/2 billion years ago on the galactic timeline. These primitive colonies lived in the shrublands of Xiliaan, residing in large below-ground hives and underground burrows while the predatory Vetera stalked the surface of the shrublands. The prehistoric Xilics usually spent their day foraging, making improvements to the hive, and building tools. Despite being called primitive, the early Xilics were no savages. The Xilics produced advanced tools, buildings, and methods in order to farm, hunt, and wage war. Even without electronics, Xilics constructed engines and even analog computers for calculating harvest time using metals and natural plastics. Technology continued to improve over countless generations, with the advent of the first electronic computers marking the beginning of the modern age. Most Xilic colonies developed independently, both from each other and the rising Vetera nations that ruled the surface.

Modern History[]

With the invention of electronic computing devices, the technological state of the Xilics rose dramatically. Advances in fusion technology gave the newly-constructed spacecraft and machines a efficient and stable source of power. However, even the most advanced Xilic technology could not decrease the tension between the Xilic colonies and the Vetera nations, which had been steadily rising for the past several generations. When the tension finally snapped, violence followed in what is now known as "The War of Enclave." The war was the product of governmental and civil prejudice of the opposing nations and heated disputes over land and the legality of technology being developed on both sides.

"The War of Enclave"[]

With the two most highly-developed and influential species on Xiliaan at each other's throats due to disputes over land and technology, war was certianly declared. The opening stages of the war included a blitzkrieg-like assault on Xilic lands by the Vetera armies. Being caught off-guard the attack, the outraged Xilic colonies rallied and began lauching a series of counteroffensives against the Vetera forces in the contested lands (located in the North-west porion of the continenet Encix. Due to the hate for the opposing side on both parties, fighting was brutal and zealous, and was often fueled by fury on both sides. After three years of attempting attack, the Xilics are unable to break the Vetera forces occupying the disputed lands and turned to science for aid. Bringing together the best Xilic scientists, the Xilic military perfected the nanovirus "AD-3". When it was incorrectly deployed by the military, the virus eliminated the occupying forces in Encix, but spread onto Vetera soil, causing the extinction of the entire Vetera species.


With the War of Enclave put to an end, and eerie peacefulness laid down over Xiliaan. The sudden extinction of the Vetera had left the colonies of Xiliaan in a state of combined joy and unease. Although research and technology along with Xilic society continued as normal, the Xilic colonies agreed to outlaw the production of genertically-engineered diseases after witnessing their destructive and unmerciful nature. A few years later, the Xilic colonies re-opened diplomacy with allied empires, which had been ignored during the war. With life returned to normal for most Xilics, Xiliaan continued foreward with galactic trade and managing relations with neighboring empires despite the knowing that the ability of destroying entire species is still within the Xilic's grasp.

A few generations after the war, a select group of Xilic colonists and explorers were sent to the Andromeda Galaxy in search of rare materials and metals that would be of use to the Xilic industry.



The most distinguishing figure of a Xilic's body is it's hard chitin exoskeleton. This exoskeleton is very solid, and is capable of resisting most bladed weapons and can even deflect low-power blasterfire. The exoskeleton is a deep black color, and has a glossy look to it. Xilics also have two compound eyes, giving them very motion-sensitive vision, and also excellent low-light vision. The Xilics also have six shelled legs, with the back two legs being very powerful. This allows them to jump fair distances and hop for short distances. As is common with hexopods, most of the Xilic's vital organs are located in the abdomen, which is shielded by the head and thorax. Despite having wings, male Xilics are unable to fly and instead use their wings to chirp, usually as a mating call or for short-range communication. Xilic antennae are very sensitive to touch, and can cause a feeling of extreme pain if severed.


The viscera of a Xilic is similar to most hexopods, with most vital organs located in the abdomen and tracheal system for respiration. The tracheal system allow them to breath with their head covered or submerged in water. Xilics have three stomachs and a large, narrow heart located at the top of their abdomen. Their nerve cord runs down the underside of the body, and is often regarded as a weak point if the exoskeleton is penetrated. Females generally lay clusters of eggs that hatch into nymphs before molting into adults. The average Xilic molts 8 - 9 times in their life.

The Xilics are noted for having developed in an oxygen-rich atmosphere, with the atmosphere of Xiliaan consisting of up to 40% oxygen. Xilics visiting planets with a lower oxygen-content are required to wear their sealed Exo-suits in order to breath normally. Short exposure to a lower-oxygen enviroment usually leads to no long-term effects, but only if the Xilic is given oxygen therapy immediately after.


Along with a durable exoskeleton, natural night-vision and powerful legs, Xilics are capable of thermoregulation. This allows them to control their own body temperature via psychological or behavioral means, and allows them to operate normally in chilly or hot environments. Xilics are also capable of sensing pheromones, allowing them to detect pheromone-producing organisms over a far distance.



A large portion of Xilic culture revolves around scientific research. Head scientists are often regarded as social leaders, and political candidates are more favored if they are well-versed in scientific terms. Xilics are respectful of friends and colleges, and normally enjoy spending time with friends and coworkers. Xilic scientists are generally eager to gain and spread knowledge when given the opportunity, making Xilics avid travelers. The Xilics are divided by self-sufficient insectoid colonies, each with their own government and military force. Trade between the colonies is common, usually to exchange the latest technology and other goods such as food and supplies. The government of each colony varies, but there is a Planetary Council that meets annually to discuss important events and make planetary political decisions. If planetary cooperation is required, such as facing an invasion or during a pandemic, the colonies can function as a single nation until the threat passes. Despite being respectful, Xilics are usually distrusting of strangers due to the frequent pirate attacks as is common within the sector. Their mild xenophobia may cause initial contact to be threatening, and often results in the taking back of offers of interplanetary trade. Individually, Xilics are timid creatures, but are friendly and compassionate once one's trust is earned.


(See UCX technology)
The United Councils are significantly advanced in the fields of science and engineering. The most prominent of Xilic technologies include genetic and biological engineering, nanorobotics, advanced medical treatment, and the research of cross-dimensional travel.


The most common everyday types of clothing in Xilic society is Rerin (A type of cape) and a variety of hats. Other garments include ponchos, carrying bags, and coats for cold weather. Functional types of clothing include diving suits, spacesuits and military gear such as communication devices and armor. A unique type of device is a Lift-pack, which is a pair of robotic arms synced to the Xilic's movement, allowing for the handling of hazardous materials or heavy loads.


(See UCX military)

Quotes (Add your own!)[]

Us all...they destroyed us all... they destroyed us..."

- "..."

GIANT INSECTS! *Long, extended, scream*

- Bloodlust

Bugs. Bugs that need to be crushed.

- Tana'Suloni

