

Dylan looks like his father did when he was young. Tall, strong body, surprisingly graceful in movement and behavior. He stands at 6ft8in, weighs in at 182lbs, and has little body fat on him. Brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin. Dylan is a Meta in his prime, strong and smart and agile. He is the perfect new Metamind.


Dylan has something few others have: control. He is not ruffled by emotion often, and when he releases emotions he does so with perfect control over them. Dylan used his brain and his intelect, not his heart and emotions, to lead him in his path through life. This is what makes him a good Metamind, he won't lose control and flood his people with emotions as his father occasionally did. Dylan will never allow emotion to rule him, he is his own master.


Dylan's mother died in childbirth, but his father went on to live a long and happy life, until he too died at the age of 132 when Teron was obliterated. Dylan had a sister, but she went missing when the TIAF first attacked and is presumed dead.


Dylan is the Metamind, the most powerful person in the entire Meta species. He is also a skilled strategist working to protect Wental from the TIAF and Iteok.


Dylan's past is shrouded in mystery, as his father kept him secret. It is know, however, that Dylan and his father never really got along. His father blamed him for his mother's death, and they could never really get past that. He learned to hide and control his emotions, and tapped into additive, subtractive, control, and chaos energy instead of Heartfire and the like. He was, however, very close to the Worldforest, so it's death has hurt him deeply.
