
What exactly do you define as 'something real'? To those here and those beyond, reality is nothing but an experience given to us by our own brains. What we see and what we know. One can say that there is nothing due to it being a construction of our own work. Some of us were made by gods. What were they made by? What was their purpose in making them and them making us? There is but a cycle where eventually everything ends in a horrific truth. We try to forget this by creating a wonderful lie and labelling it 'life.'

- Agent Xi

Heaven. To some, the definition of Heaven is an existence which is a collection of all paradise. Paradise; being a lack of evil, sin, immorality - there is an abundance of peace, serenity and an eternity of a posthumous existence basking in the light of one whose eyes shine gently upon them. To others, Heaven is an experience of mortal liberation; feeling immortal, a state of elation beyond description. What brings such feelings is subjective to every being within the universe.

To others, heaven is a state of ignorance. An epistemological fallacy where knowledge is a limitation; those who are bound to this 'heaven' are chained by a puppeteer. A god - a being above those who follow them. This can be reflected upon society - dictators; attempts to attain a sociological medium with religious chains, when in reality, what actually is heaven? Geographically, a location abundant with angelic beings which, universally, had the conception of little stewardship of this universe. Mortals beyond technological capability designing themselves into immortality and making feeble attempts to redesign this universe with subjectively regarded intelligence.

In truth, all things metaphysical in this universe and all concepts of life were a design of itself. Order within the midst of Chaos. A post-existential philosophy of all existence and that is known and unknown falls within the barriers of order. Outside of it, the truth of Chaos exists as an infinite nothingness - one realises that without the components required; mathematical symmetry, fundamental logic, computerization of the omniversal stasis, dimensions, the course of time, a physical plane upon top and a flat basis for designed life to function, Order is nothing and that without the concept of nothingness, one cannot realise that Order is an unwilling and design by Chaos for reasons unbeknownst to its own personification; those who represent the bridge between this order and nothingness, who maintain an inevitable cycle of the complete fragmentation of all existential conceptuality. That is to say, the destruction of order and the cessation of all design both mortal and immortal.

Heaven was no exception.

A lavish design by something beyond their own collective technological capability. Adorned in gold, white and dimensions unseen to the mortal eye. A celestial kingdom, in an unfortunate design with only seemingly post-mortal architectural ability. It was uniform in structure; a mundane serenity painted with the lie of incomprehensible immortal wealth. Its reality was a chain; chained by a god of control and a dénouement that is only sated by its own arrogance. It lacked a formality in its wireframe. A fundamental law in its necessity, and that was a necessity for a catharsis. A cleansing of the soul; the metaphysical plane. Its lack is what differs the so-named immortal plane from the mortal plane; the immortal plane is a cyclical lie of false control. The also false design of such realities - every characteristic between the immortal and mortal plane is parallel; mortal design, mortal hierarchy and a mortal fragility. The absence of the mortal atmosphere in Heaven was what only facilitated its integrity.

The integrity of its inhabitants; angelic beings, was only as frail. It became more apparent that the only defining characteristic of the immortal design was its freedom from fear of destruction. A reliance on powers to stay immortal, when it was a given gift from nature's course to remain 'above', when in truth the eventuality of Heaven was just the same as all other mortal planes. The cyclical nihilism, and the inevitable degradation of all structure. The Demiurge, they who fabricated this order, requisitioned its evanescence. Chaos was to reassume its original state upon on the immortal plane, as demanded.

An ophidian void; tenebrous post-dimensional, chaotic forms descended upon the celestial skies as if Heaven had no shadow, and was suddenly submerged in absence for the first and final time. The voice sounded through the citadels as if a monumental sin, formed from reality's fear, nightmares and mortal desire all came in unison and spoke in a systematic discordance. Dissonant, and in all intents and purposes, a sound which was not unlike an orchestral apocalypse. Heaven suddenly rendered itself apocryphal; surrendering to this new catastrophic revelation. The chains were broken - Heaven cried out as if this lack of control was an undesirable state. This stasis, ordained to Heaven at the dawn of this reality was all of a sudden broken. Like an infant forcefully removed from its mother, as a cradle becomes a tomb. It was not by the angelic collective mind did Heaven break down, but by the demand of the cycle.

It was folly. Mortals and their defence for survival became an inevitable struggle. Their fate was already sealed as soon as Heaven was set in place. The sun; the light that shone upon these golden bodies ceased to shine further; as the golden skies and whitened world soon became reddened storms and blackened earth. The scales of the void fastened itself; these frail structures created by immortal design eventually became an illusion as it dematerialized from scope. A folly attempt from this defence was only supported by the unnecessary confidence in their ability; the nihilistic eventuality permeated flesh, soul and mind. It was not long until the word was debased, tortured, degraded, disillusioned, did these now shadowed entities suffered the same fate.

Fallen and twisted, heaven became. Angels soon turned into statues, and belief turned into reality. The lies of religion were proved false, as heaven merely reduced itself into an inferno. Burnt on the surface, as if it were a vigil from those who casted such destruction. The world became flat; There was nothing but a tempestuous sky that replaced the the clear heavens that now tormented the earth with a perpetuated storm. Chaos became much like a maw on order; its teeth depletion and its tongue, swallowing heaven whole.

There was little fallacy left in this new heaven. As nothing stained its surface, nothing served a false cause. An infernal purity cleansed the tainted sanctity of that plane. No god watched over that surface, but much rather Chaos tantalizing its existence with a nightmare that was order.

The shadow that will be cast over your souls shall be that of death. All you can do is watch your world crumble.
Tur'ina'iad a'eldgar kal'tor thr'ranach. We declare war.