Bunsen Galaxy (Adriana Nebula)
We are a galaxy of peace and prosperity for all.
Anyone who wishes to disrupt that may kindly go throw themselves into Inferno Realm.
Are you ready to ROCK?!
We're taking the multiverse by storm!
Divine Races of the Twin Galaxies
There are things beyond your comprehension...
...that are like simple math problems to us.
Portea Galaxy
We welcome you to the Portea Galaxy.

Years of civil war amongst allies has taken its toll on the TIAF...the Federation stands divided by the DCP civil war. The Golden Age has met its end...for years the Federation withstood outside threats, but how would it fare against an internal enemy?

Allies and Enemies[]

Anyone who has joined the fiction and is listed here can edit this page.

The Loyalists and Allies[]

These empires are supporting the main TIAF government against the Rebels.

The Rebel Alliance[]

These empires assisted the rebel cause and tried to overthrow the TIAF government.

  • The TIAF Rebels
  • AWA

Part 1: The Rebels[]

Please do not edit this section unless I have said so! This is the basis of the story- this is how it all began. Please do not ruin the story by messing with this section. -CaptainTybusen

For years the southern empires of the TIAF had despised TIAF rule. They had colonized sacred planets (unknown to the Federation) and a series of wars that wiped out their allies didn't improve relations much more. They thought much more differently than the main TIAF. They wanted change. But there was nothing they could do about it. Then, as they watched the Warlords of the DCP bravely defy their government, they became inspired. They supported the warlords, in sharp contrast to the rest who supported the Emperor and Bo Ramik. They began to form secret alliances with the TIAF's enemies. Soon, they began having demonstrations on other TIAF planets. Demonstrations turned into revolts, and soon, revolts turned into uprisings. The TIAF knew what was going on and knew that they had to stop it fast.

Massacre of Deider[]

The Christian Empire, a Trader Empire that (surprisingly) is said to have led the rebel movement, had an uprising on the Tybusen Empire planet Deider. A large army of Christian civilians proceeded to burn down buildings and kill the Tybusen citizens. A local sector of the TIAF Assault Armada arrived and began to kill off any of the Christian rebels. Although the colony managed to get away relatively unscathed, with only one city burned down out of 8 and only 250 citizens murdered out of the total population of 10,500, the Massacre had resonating effects on the rebels and the Loyalists. The other rebels watched the Christians' brave acts of defiance, and mustered the courage to stand up to the Federation as well. The TIAF realized that the rebels were becoming serious and their actions were becoming more and more defiant. Action would be needed quickly and they would have to strike extremely hard.

The Harvest Festival[]

Despite the rising tensions, the rebels were still allowed to attend the annual Harvest Festival on Tyrus. As tradition, ships from all over the Federation paraded about. Everyone had a good time below, having cake, wine, and other foods. It seemed like everything was going well. That's when the unexpected happened. As the other ships flew mindlessly about, the rebel ships began to gather. The Emperor noticed this activity but decided they were going in a special formation for the parade. Captain Lorrelas had other suspicions. He ordered his crew to get ready for a dogfight. Unfortunately, the rebels had chosen the right time to strike, because Lorrelas' fleet was having obvious difficulty in flying, most likely from drinking too much wine. Lorrelas knew this and braced for impact.

The Dogfight (and kidnapping)[]

The rebel ships hit Lorrelas' fleet with all weapons. The ships survived the initial blast, but the Captain knew more was coming. He relayed a message to the Emperor to evacuate the festival grounds immediately. Most of the citizens got away safely in their craft while the rebels were distracted with Lorrelas. The Emperor climbed into the Federation Flagship and led the Imperial Fleet to assist Lorrelas' ranks. Although the Imperial Fleet and the Main Strike Fleet combined outnumbered the rebel forces, the Strike Fleet, to say the least, was down for the count. The rebels boarded Lorrelas' own ship and had the hapless captain captured. The rebel fleet made a swift getaway while the Imperial Fleet pursued. The Emperor finally gave up chase right before entering the rebel territory. The Emperor knew what they were going to do with Lorrelas, but he prayed that the commander would hold on for just a bit longer. The Emperor began to assemble a rescue squad to save the captain.

A Rescue[]

Within a day, the Emperor had assembled a motley crew of 50 ships to rescue the captain. They were dispatched to the rebels' territory. Using the new Signal Jammer technology, they made it to the planet where Lorrelas was being held without getting caught. However, as the rebels saw the TIAF fleet descending into the atmosphere, a rebel ship was sent to relay a message to the rebel capital on Jultia. The fleet staying on Jultia was immediately sent into action. The rescue team managed to get to Lorrelas' holding cell, but knew that time was running out quickly. They had seen the sole vessel escaping and knew it was going to alert the rest of the Rebel Alliance. They managed to reach their ships and blast off, but then the rebels ambushed them as they entered orbit! They all fought bravely, but it looked as though the rebels had the upper hand. Then the rescue fleet remembered that as long Lorrelas made it back, they would not be fighting in vain. The ship carrying the bewildered captain escaped from the dogfight while what was left of the rescuers held off the rebels as long as they could. As Lorrelas escaped, the rebels finally saw the full magnitude of that last act of defiance. There was no turning back. They would be at war within days.

Part 2: The War[]

As expected, the Emperor declared war a day after Lorrelas' rescue. The rebels had accomplished the first part of their goal: splitting from the TIAF. Next on their agenda would be to overturn the TIAF government and put themselves in power. But that would require assistance...as such, the rebels began contacting the TIAF's enemies.

The TIAF knew that they would need help to beat the Rebels. The rebels knew the Federation inside out, and they also knew who the Federation's enemies were. They called upon allies to help in the conflict...

Allies and Enemies Take Sides[]

The AWA, led by a corrupt and greedy new leader, joined forces with the Rebels. Luckily, a large portion of the AWA military opposed their leader's decision and assisted the TIAF.

The DCP immediately assisted the TIAF after discovering of the conflict; they were ridding the galaxy of any remaining DCP separatist factions.

Loyalists and Allies[]

Those on the side of the Loyalists can post their stories here. -CaptainTybusen

Redirecting Refugees[]

While the TIAF was dealing with such conflicts as the Harvest Festival, the DCP Civil War was still raging on, nevertheless in its closing events. The TIAF had been accepting refugees from the DCP to stay in TIAF and allied spaces. However, after the TIAF's declaration of war, all knew that the TIAF's territory would become a huge galactic battlefield. It would be dangerous for any ordinary civilians. As such, the refugees already occupying TIAF space were moved to AWA Separatist space in the Sola Sector, while any new escapees were redirected to the safety of the Grand Spodist Church in the Kereo Sector.

Silencing Anthalti[]

Meanwhile, some nations in the north, of the Anthalti Star Cluster, were inspired by the actions of the Rebels. They had been subdued by the Erion Wars and had not given much resistance to TIAF expansion since then. But now these nations, called now the Anthalti Rebels, had seen a new era dawning, and began attacking the Anthalti Loyalists. The Anthalti Rebels were far more powerful than the main Rebel lines in Erion, since they had not been harshly punished like the Erion Collective at the end of the Erion Wars. The natives of Anthalti demanded the TIAF step in and put their foot down. Although military leaders objected, wanting to save enough units to shut down the Erion rebellion, Lorrelas reluctantly put 4 million troops under the command of Bretalka General Curawaas, the leader of the Anthaltian Loyalist forces.

Battles ensued across the middle of the Anthalti Star Cluster, with Rebels and Loyalists struggling for control of Anthalti. The 4 million new troops helped the Loyalists greatly and forced out the Eugene, Wurbles, and Spode, the ringleaders of the Anthalti rebellion (some Eugene had been Loyalist and remained in Anthalti). However, they could not be destroyed before their forces joined the main Rebel force in Erion. But at least one good thing came out of this: Anthalti was no longer a threat to the TIAF.

Forward Through Erion[]

At the beginning of the war, the TIAF realized that the goal to defeating the Rebels was to destroy them early before they got too powerful. Though the military had been relatively unprepared for the war, the TIAF force was far superior to known Rebel forces. An attack party advanced forward from Artotunus, a Wub planet, and spread out to attack the Rebels' Erion holdings. The eastern Erion campaign had good results: most of the territories that had belonged to the TIAF (and the Raboon before them) had been reclaimed with help from Zubzan and Wub forces. However, the west, where the Rebel capital Jultia resided, was far less fruitful. The TIAF invasion got as far as Stindon, a fortified planet protecting Jultia.

Stindon would be too difficult to attack with the remaining forces in the west, so the TIAF stopped their invasion for now and prepares their next move.

Rebels and Allies[]

Those on the side of the Rebels can post their stories here. -CaptainTybusen

Resistance to the War[]

As expected in any war, some Rebel citizens opposed the idea of the war. They did not want to war with the TIAF, which was already a galactic power. They often clashed with supporters of the war.

This was most famously demonstrated on the Dalton Republic capital of Dzheus. The Dalton government had declared that it would not secede and would stay with the TIAF. Rebel sympathizers erupted in fury and marched across the cities of Dzheus, burning them to the ground. In response, Loyalist sympathizers at first tried to peacefully talk the Rebels down, but it was for naught. Eventually, Loyalists and Rebels got into fistfights in city streets, and guns were eventually introduced. A brave group of Rebels marched straight through the capital city of Johanne and entered the capital building, where the Dalton Senate was meeting. With guns in tow, they assassinated most Loyalist Senators, as well as the President. The Rebels declared that they were the new leaders of the Dalton and seceded from the TIAF.

In other Rebel areas, opposition was usually less violent or even non-existent. Opposition was strongest in the TIAF Core Territory, where the residents heavily depended on local TIAF members for supplies and support. The Rebels acted forcefully to coerce these nations into joining the Rebellion, threatening the prospect of war if they didn't join. Unsurprisingly, many joined, though the most important TIAF Core residents remained Loyalist.

Negotiating with the Anthalti Rebels[]

While the Anthaltian Rebellion raged on, the Erion Rebels saw them as a valuable addition to their growing support. Leaders of the Erion rebellion met with leaders of the Anthalti rebellion. However, for two parties with a common enemy, it was hard for them to agree on anything. A major factor in most divisions amongst the Rebels had been the DCP warlords. The support for each warlord differed by region (the Loyalists were all supporters of Bo Ramik). The Erion rebels supported Eclipsos (widely regarded as the leader of the DCP rebels), while the Anthalti had been sympathetic to Titanozor (who would later reveal himself as a supporter of the DCP Loyalists). The two parties never reached an agreement until after the Anthalti Rebellion was quelled and Titanozor betrayed the DCP rebels. Anthalti Rebel opinion shifted in favor of Mauloron at that point, and finally the two parties realized they must join forces for the sake of gaining independence from the TIAF. This would mark the first negotiations that would eventually lead to the VFP.

Sudden Jolt in Erion[]

After the Anthalti negotiations, the Rebels had to deal with a very pressing issue: the TIAF's invasion of the Erion Cluster. They knew if Erion was conquered, that would be it for them, and they would be crushed. They strived to protect the east, especially Endomasis, an important fortress that had seceded from the Tybusen, but they failed there. In the west, which was more fortified, the Rebels managed to hold the TIAF to Bergron, the planet closest to Stindon other than Jultia. Protecting Stindon has now become the Rebels' main priority, and the Rebels plan to move their capital elsewhere to mislead the TIAF.
