Dancewithdevil Icon Tzhrhokia is a Historical Event
"Tzhrhokia" is considered a historical event or a completed fiction within the SporeWiki Fiction Universe. You must ask its original creator if you wish to add any additional stories.

The whole Multiverse shall be mine... MINE!



Date: 05/00/411 KRE

"A mysterious force has claimed billions of lives in 20 worlds, and the casualties keep rising, however, the future Tahars have defended some colonies with grace, including the capitals, Terkom and Horehronie..."

One day earlier

"We're under attack!"


On the 4th of Aninaar of 411 Kraw Era Calendar, Horehronie was attacked by a strange force of utility fog ships, constantly shapeshifting as they approached the planet. Horehronie had been bruised before - however they had no intention of actually destroying it. The ships were led by the Prime Overlord of the Iteok's Systems, or POOTIS an AI that unveiled himself after a successful gank by the Tahar Collective Commander and his allies on the Glory Emperor.

They came ever closer. People were waving flags of surrender, red in color. It seemed like the end of the world. Why Horehronie and no other worlds? POOTIS wanted to take out capitals first. Weak ones even. Horehronie would be a target to glass and then rebuild in POOTIS's image. However, a series of Cyan ships appeared and fought valiantly against the dark grey ships of the enemy forces. Hit after hit, both sides took damage, but one blast at the main ship and the others vanished, leaving no trace of the utility fog code of the fleet.

TC Kraw - "Got the Horehronie fleet, #1, how's the Terkom fleet?"
TCC - "Defeated. Did you renember to take out the main ship first?"
TC Kraw - "I forgot, it was the 30th ship to be destroyed."
TCC - "You could have finished the job faster."
TC Kraw - "Sorry, emperor."
TCC - "One thing, #340, don't tell the people of the past about my real name, my history, or the fact that I'm the emperor of the Tahar Collective. You shall adress me as #1 and nothing more. I'm waiting for the right time to tell him about myself..."
TC Kraw - "Got it. Where to next?"
TCC - "A fleet is heading to Galdesh, homeworld of the Kanux. Let's go there."
TC Kraw - "Yes. One more thing..."
TCC - "Yes?"
TC Kraw - "Once this is over, do you think the Kraw Galaxy will be patched up and good to go after we leave?"
TCC - "I'll still need some time. But the Kraw Galaxy will be safe. I have another idea, but now let's save a few worlds."
TC Kraw - "Yes."
TCC - "We don't know which is the main fleet of this entire invasion, but if you take it out you discoordinate the others. So let's do this."

And so the Collective was fighting a War, that is no longer just at the Kraw Galaxy, but the universe as well. The Universe's hope rests in finding the Prime fleet, indistinguishable from all the others, but critical to the AI.

Invasion - Year 1[]

POOTIS Invasions...[]

...On the Eranians - The Collective Defensive[]

Retrak VI, 05/00/411 KRE

"Get those Antimatter containers set up safely! If they activate now we'll lose half the planet and the entire plan will collapse!" The commotion was almost unbearable, hundreds of Eranians frantically scurrying about the bunker, trying to set up the trap that was being laid. Everybody knew of the recent invasion of Eranian territory by an unknown foe, which has systematically been taking dozens of worlds all across the southern rim. Each planet had simply stopped responding to any attempts at contact, and any ships sent to investigate did so also. Nothing so far had even been able to scratch the enemy invaders, much less identify them.

This new foe was attacking using a pattern, however. Taking worlds in a very systematic way, so that even a child could predict where they would strike next. Based on this, a plan was formed to stop this threat, or at least destroy the main assault force of whatever was causing it. Now, that plan was being put into action, but that action was proving incredibly hectic."No! Don't stretch the wire connecting the bipolar magnet and the biometric degrader! If you trip you'll turn it on and it'll take too long to properly reconfigure!" Oran Iklas had not been in actual command of a mission for years, and so far, this one was proving exhausting.

As Oran ran from place to place, he could not help but admire the effeciency in which the bunker he was organising had been constructed. It was made a full decade ago, yet showed no signs of disrepair or decay. Too bad that the craftsmanship was irrelivant, he thought. All that effort gone to waste, after all, it'll be gone in a few hours.

"All set up, sir! And all of the other bunkers are set of similarly!" A young new recruit to the CETIC informed Oran. He seemed almost afraid of Oran, perhaps worried he would see some minute flaw in his attitude and be harsly punished for it. Perhaps he had been a bit too perfectionist with his plan, but it this did not go perfectly, it could prove the destruction of the entire southern rim of Eranian space, or even the entire Collective. Oran did his best to make his voice sound kind, and replied "Thank you Recruit. Get to the Evacuation shuttles, We had best leave. If we're here when the enemy arrives we'll die with them, and that wouldn't be very beneficial would it?".

In space, Orbiting Retrak V's moon, same date

The sole ship in the system, a concealed Ghost class Eranian stealthship, hid in wait. Its five crew watched the monitors with great intensity, completely focused on observing what was about to occur. They were hidden just behind the third moon of Retrak V with cloaking shields up, the perfect place to observe the doomed planet of Retrak VI without detection by most scanners which could pierce cloaks. The silence was almost total, broken only by the breathing of the crew, and the regular, contant beep of the scanners.

A loud beep broke the silence, "Unidentified ships teleported in" yelled almost all of the crew in unison. "No, identified now. It's them". "Don't come out of orbit, let's see if they take the bait" ordered the captain sternly. The ships they were observing converged with eerie, almost malicious uniformity of movement upon the planet of Retrak VI, exactly as planned. "The ships are landing... Don't they have teleporters? Why not just use that to transport any cargo down?" asked one of the crew, a seasoned veteran who only scored one point away from being an economist on her deciding aptitude test. The plan was going exactly as predicted. Of course it was, none of the Eranians present doubted it would. It was made by those best capable, after all.

Something was not right. The trap should have sprung by now, it had been several hours, more than long enough to break into one of the bunkers. As soon as a living being or Hyperspatial entity entered the bunker, the half-ton of antimatter should have been released, destroying most of the planet, and any ships in orbit. But nothing was happening. The plan had failed. Suddenly the monitors beeped yet again. Something was being teleported off the planet. "What's being teleported?" asked the captain, panicing, just thinking what it could be. The veteran's face went grim, as though resigned to some unknown fate. "The bunker, sir. More specifically, the antimatter". Before the veteran was even finished speaking, the crew were blinded by an intense light. Then they knew oblivion.

Teros, 02/01/411 KRE

The noise from the conference room could be heard throught the building. The council of Those Best Capable had convened for the second time in a week to discuss the new threat to their territory, and were engaged less in debait, and more in a conversational struggle to have their views acted upon. Domestic advisor Ferros lars, a tall, lean Eranian with sharp facial features and a brilliant, if one-track mind, was furiously attempting to get Oran removed for failing to stop the threat before it reached majorly populated worlds while Irtas Leeran, high embassador, attempted to calm him. Serrta Perar, the chief economist, and Erania Kurot were more calmly arguing over whether or not to evacuate the worlds in the path of the destruction, and only Jervas hyde, he whom is best capable, remained silent, watching calmly and contemplating the best way to proceed.

The arguement was stopped, not by the diplomatics of Irtas, nor the intervention of Jervas, but by the sudden high pitched screech of sonic cannon fire in the distance, which stopped as suddenly as it began. This was Teros, capital of the Eranian Collective. There should logically be no combat, nor weapons fire of any kind. Yes, there was a planetary defense network which utilised sonic weaponary, but that should not activate unless... Unless there was an enemy ship in orbit. Every member of Those Best capable realised what had occured instantly. There was an enemy on Teros, there was an enemy invading the southern rim with teleportation capacity, but little else was known. The logical implication being, the same enemy was the one being fired upon.

The Council paniced, they knew that an invasion of Teros could be disasterous. Any combat around the Antimatter Fields which dominated the southern hemisphere would lead to an explosion capable of destroying half the system. They hurridly stood and moved to leave, but were beaten to it by an Eranian bursting through the door, she appeared exhausted, and almost frantic. She hurridely gasped out words in quick succession, with such speed that it was almost impossible to interpret. Erania quickly did her best to calm her, asking her to reiterate. She did so, stating that an unidentified vessel was identified by chance. After refusing to respond to any forms of contact, it was fired upon by Sonic cannons, which prompted it to dissapear without a trace.

This was a worrying development indeed. The only group this could be was the unknown threat, the timing was just too odd for it to be otherwise. This was most likely a probe or a scout, which meant that the main fleet would be coming soon. This would prove devastating for the collective, as a good portion of the antimatter powering the facilities on most colonies was created here. It would prove devastating, as the center of education, the place all people's aptitudes were calculated and given to them was on Teros, without which the metitocracy would crumble. The Collective could not survive such a setback.

...On the Draconis - Second Battle of Alcanti[]

Larnus Vontarion was aboard the Dominax, his personal Warlord-class flagship orbiting over Alcanti. Since the panet's previosu attack the Imperium had further reinforced the planet's defences. He emerged from the lift onto the bridge reading the layouts for the new technology that had been reverse-engineered from the Grox and fitted to the Dominax. he did not notice an alien officer approach him. hen the officer coughed he looked up from his notes and turned to the officer who had given him a data tablet showing hyperspacial anomolies near the Aldra system.

Officer - Lord Admiral sensors from the planet are detecting spacetime fluctuations emerging and from what we can tell they do not correpsond with the Divinarium's patterns.
Larnus - Understood officer. All ships on yellow alert. Shields up we have unauthorised spacetime openings.

larnus moved to sit down in his chair as the anomolies opened into wormholes. Pitch-black starships emerged and charged weapons. When larnus saw the ships he shouted at the top of his voice.

Larnus - All ships on red alert! Hostile incursions, I want those ships blown from orbit!

Almost at once Alcanti's defences converged on the New Iteok Glory ships that had emerged. Remotely POOTIS watched as he saw his target. Unfortunately the intelligence had been given vastly underestimated the true level of defence the Draconid Imperium had placed on their homeworld. Ion-cannon sattellites drained the shields as battlemaster-class Warships opened fire with their hypermatter cannons. Despite the large numbers POOTIS had deployed he watched as their Warships focused fire on his main ship, with part of the fleet drawing the attention of his supporting ships.

It took some time to chip away at the NewIG fleet, what they had was vastly more durable but the ITN were numbered in the hundreds of thousands, with millions of starfighters for support. As the fleet penetrated the line POOTIS soon found himself looking through a camera down the barrel of the Dominax as the interior glowed orange from the charging weapon. With shields low he knew retreat was not an option. Larnus slammed the button to fire the main gun and the main ship was bathed in a hypermatter particle beam, incinerating the ship and instantly cutting off POOTIS's connection. The ships were derelict and the remaining ships either dissolved into self-destructing utility fog or were blown apart as they tried to retreat.

POOTIS looked at the data the Iteok Khereg had given him and his eyes glowed red. The data had said next to nothing was defending Alcanti. Even with a dipsatch large enough to take no chances he still underestiamted the Imperium's firepower. Back aboard the Dominax Larnus relaxed in his chair. Confident that the NewIG could be beaten. he looked at the post-battle analysis revealing moderate casualties and a few wings lost in the assault. He exhaled, wishing secretly that more lives could have been saved despite knowing he was against a much more powerful foe. he looked up from the reports and called over his first officer.

Larnus - Commander, send word to high command that for any Iteok incursions call for fleet support, use ion cannons and focus on the flagships. Keep to quantum encryption I don't want our enemeies knowing we foiled their little battle strategy.

His first officer saluted and headed down to the comm room. Larnus sat with a smile on his face as he continued preparations to support the crusade.

...On the Nelradiates[]

Abadohn. Home of the Nelradiates. Warm water, hundreds of hot-springs and geysers, volcanoes and lava-lakes dotted everywhere. Many long continents crisscrossed the planet. It was a great place to live. However, there are still the evil ones who want to conquer this land. One of them is POOTIS. Heading to Abadohn. About 100 ships were approaching the planet. Communication was attempted by the Nelradiates.

"You are entering capital territory without proper identification, please identify yourself and register your ships so you can be cleared to enter."

The receiver screeched so loudly it could break Nelradiate ears.

"This can't be right... Once again, please identify yourself before you can be cleared for orbit. Wait, is that ship multiplying? Okay, identify yourself now to be cleared for orbit."

The receiver replied with a mechanical dark voice.

"Yes, we are the ones that are going to obliterate your homeworld for the New Iteok Glory!"

POOTIS wanted to get this over with.

Comms. Officer - "Okay. Due to your hostile intentions and..." *flips through logs on the Glory* "...and your reported attacks on other capital worlds, you are not cleared for orbit around Abadohn."
POOTIS - "Okay. We'll just destroy you all then."
??? - "No. You will not."

Tahar Collective Ships arrived at the battlefield, to counter POOTIS and save Abbadohn. The Nelradiates noticed them, and allowed them clearance to orbit - Even though the TC were already trying to defend them.

Comms. Officer - "Everyone! We have a matter on our hands which we cannot bear. It looks like an invasion, so we had best try out the Focused CME Cannon. Get the Star on standby to fire at the New Iteok Glory ships."
TCC - "Attack the center one! The big one!"

The communications array-ship fired a Focused Coronal Mass Ejection shot from the hull toWard the Glory fleet, however, it does slight damage as the battle rages on between the Collective and the Glory. Then, they notice a small, yet extremely bright line appearing in the depths of space.

Xcor - *Screeches*
TCC - "Hmmm, indeed, what is that?"
Officer - "Sir, a large object, I don't know how big it is, is moving rapidly toWards Abadohn. It appears to be mechanical, but brightly-lit. Should we attempt to open a communications link with it?"
TCC - "Yes."
Comms. Officer - "I agree with the Commander. Yes. I'll do this on my own. Hello. You are entering the Capitol territory of the Pe-"

The Communications officer of the Nelradiates then gets cut off by a blaring, chattery, unintelligible data flow in the form of sound.*

TCC - "Has the Glory hacked?"
Comms. Officer - "That... That was not the Glory at all!"
TCC - "It was not?"
Comms. Officer - "No. We had just opened up a transmission with that bright line over there."

As he pointed toWards the line, he noticed it had come closer and is visibly fluctuating now. The line now started to create spacetime ripples, even causing a large tsunami-like wave of spacetime to revitationally-lens the light behind it.

TCC - "What is this?"
TC Xcor - *Screeches*
TCC - "Damn."

The wave quickly draws closer to the battle, creating audible sound within the ships from just the disturbance of the space-time rapidly flying toWards them.

"...What are you?"

...On the Tunshi - Triumph of Despair[]

...On the Cyrannian Empire - Battle of New Coruindia[]

Battle of New Coruindia

The Imperials battle against the pitch-black ships of POOTIS.

Over the outer colony of New Coruindia in what the Imperials call Anor Krawgíl, Captain Delrio of the Harrower-class Frigate, Tyranny sat on his command chair, reviewing the latest information regarding the intrusion of the New Iteok Glory into the present timeline. His orders was to protect the planet from this devious foe at all costs, assuming of course they see the Empire as a target. Deep in thought, Delrio didn't notice his tactical officer, a female Mortalitas approach the command seat.

  • Tactical Officer - Sir, we are getting reports from our hyperspace satellites that unidentified ships are approaching the planet.
  • Delrio - Ah, so it appears these... insects actually have the bravado to attack us? Assemble the fleet to converge at their estimated trajectory.
  • Tactical Officer - Yes, captain.

Delrio stood up, his voice echoing across the Imperial Fleet, made up of a single Ifrit-class, a Vigil-class and the Tyranny.

  • Delrio - Our fleet may be small, but nobody shall stand in our way. Not even over-glorified insects from a future where this... galaxy dominates! Long live the Emperor!

All the bridge officers of the Imperial ships immediately stood up, shouting Long live the Emperor!

Suddenly, two purple wormholes materialised in front of the Imperial Fleet, with a pair of pitch-black starships appearing out of them. The POOTIS vessels immediately charged their weapons, with one firing at the Vigil-class, destroying it with a barrage of unknown weapons. The second POOTIS ship fired on the largest of the Imperial vessels, the Ifrit-class, which managed to withstand the barrage by raising it's shields, despite taking heavy damage. However, under the firepower of the remaining Imperial ships, one of POOTIS's ships exploded.

However, with the Tyranny and it's companion taking heavy damage, and with more and more of POOTIS's vessels appearing, Delrio decided to retreat, swearing to return to finish what the Iteok started...

Other Major Events...[]

...In the Cyrannian Empire - The Beginning of Concord[]

Concord 01

Grand Mandator Tyranus shows the leaders of the Kraw Federation the planet Concord.

A few weeks later, Tyranus went on an official state visit to the Kraw Federation in order to show them the so-called future of the Galaxy. For weeks, the various leaders of the member states of the Federation awaited the Grand Mandator's visit, a rare occasion from one so high up in the Empire. Daaxri, Ko'han, Horkarew and Ekrixx were all invited aboard Tyranus' flagship, the Imperious, hanging in deepspace. One by one, all four leaders arrived, being brought to a conference room aboard the massive Praetor-class Star Battlecruiser. Soon, Tyranus himself entered the conference room and stood in front of the leaders.

  • Tyranus - Greetings honoured friends. I come as the herald of a gift that will change the face of the galaxy.
  • Daaxri - What is this gift, Mr. Tyranus?
  • Tyranus - The future.

Suddenly, a large hologram showing a planet appeared, much to the astonishment of the Federation leaders.

  • Tyranus - This planet is a gift from the Empire to all citizens of it's loyal protectorate. Concord.
  • Ko'han - A mere planet? We have tons of planets in the galaxy already, thank you very much.
  • Tyranus - This planet is not a generic world, Ko'Han. The outside of the planet may seem ordinary. But it will be hollow, and that which lies within is unlike anything you have ever seen. Paradise.
  • Horkarew - How can a planet be hollow? This is ridiculous.
  • Tyranus - We will build it as such. But within the planet, we will create a hyperspace bubble over 1.5 AU across, however the planet on the outside will be a mere 2,240 kilometres in diametre.
  • Horkarew - Wow. Is that even possible?
  • Tyranus - It is well within the Empire's capabilities. When complete, Concord will serve as a safe haven for the species of the Kraw Galaxy, and a paradise to each and every individual. Every conceivable biome and environment will be included. It will also be defended by a fine Imperial Fleet and be surrounded by hyperspatial missile launchers, making any attack suicide.

All four leaders were shocked and elated with excitement with the Empire's plans for Concord, plans that may symbolize a new era for the Kraw Galaxy...

Invasion - Year 2[]


It is now 412 KRE, and it has been 1 year since the invasion of this universe began. During the last 6 KRE months, POOTIS was in seclusion during a while, gathering data not from the Iteok Khereg, but from the Kraw Federation, which had far more data, though it was still insuficient. POOTIS contemplated gathering data from the DCP, and such data could make them virtually invincible, but for now, POOTIS is satisfied with what he had, and he'll start the 2nd wave of his invasion soon enhough.

POOTIS had his eyes on a new target... one with more data about the universe...

Meanwhile, in the Tyrek Empire, Gongnores Slaki, Tyko and Taskea discussed conquest plans. Tyrekians have not been conquering for a while, since 409 KRE, which left the population in quite a bloodlust, seeking new colonies for new worlds. Gongnores Slaki, the unanimous Emperor of the Tyrekians, realized its people's wishes, and sought to discuss with his commanders.

Slaki - "Greetings, commanders. I assume you all know why you're here."
Tyko - "Indeed. We are in need of conquest again. Our people are getting restless. They do not want a quiet empire."
Slaki - "We have new plans. We could focus a few of our forces in the Ka'ix sector of our Galaxy. Taking it will quiet the population for years."
Tyko - "As usual, you have-"
Taskea - "Wait."

Everyone stared at her. It was like Taskea had a bigger idea.

Taskea - "Aside from lingering in an easy to conquer Galaxy like ours, why not begin conquering here?"
Slaki - "This Galaxy has laws. We are barely allowed to conquer. We can only conquer lawbreakers."
Taskea - "Ahhh yes. Wait. I know one empire we can conquer."
Tyko - "Take the TIAF, they're weaker."
Slaki - "They may not be in the KrawFed but they have good relations with the KrawFed. We need a better target. How about the Zazane?"
Taskea - "For only 2 more colonies? This isn't 30 TE. However, there is one the KrawFed doesn't like and that can give us 230 more colonies for us."
Tyko - "Bah, taking the Cyrannian Empire will doom us, look at their constructs, they're 1000 years ahead of us!"
Taskea - "No, you fool. The Draconis. I have been studying them, and they require their petty wormholes to teleport here. Take it out, and we have the colonies for us."
Slaki - "You have a brilliant mind... Tyko, you have quite a mate."
Tyko - "Yes, she is indeed brilliant."
Taskea - "We should double focus. On both the Ka'ix sector and the Draconis Colonies. The people will be entertained for ages!"
Slaki - "Good. Let's wait for the right time... then we strike."

And so, the Tyrekians plan their upcoming invasions in secret...

Draconid Plot[]

Invasions Abound[]

The Imperium was fighting desperately, and recently POOTIS was in the middle of attacking Laralus Prime, the capital of the Imperium. As they did so, Taskea approached Draconid territory supported by a mid-sized fleet heading for the gateway, she felt confident as the TNSS Shivarus - a Warlord-class ITN vessel - was preoccupied fighting to defend the capital. As Taskea directed the fleet to avoid serious confrontation an ITN interdiction patrol intercepted her fleet. Taskea knew what was at stake and ordered for her ships to open fire on the interdictor generating a gravity well that prevented her from continuing her mission.

As the two fleets battled an ITN carrier laugned a fre whundred strike craft to pick at Taskea's fleet. Tyko and Taskea were on the bridge of their flagship when tow gangplank-clas cruisers flew past and fired boaring pods into the hull. The shields had been weakened by Draconid volleys and the pods managed to burst through, burying themselves some way into the hull.

Taskea - Okay... what just happened? Tyko - Don't know, be careful, you already lost one ship 3 years ago.

After clusters of lasma grenades deabilitated survivors, Draconid marines began sWarming the impact sites, shooting any Tyrekian in sight. Tyko asked Taskea to check the hanger and she steered the ship away from the frontline and anouncing the intruders. by the time marines had arrived on the brifge, Tyrekian soldiers had dug into defensive positions and fired in a volley of slugthrower and particle cannon rounds at the marines, which bounced off and scraped their ablative armour. Disruptor rounds were fired across the bridge vapourising Tyrekian soldiers hit by them and their cover did almost nothing to save them. Tyko and Taskea charged at the marines with the finest weapons and armour available to the Tyrek Empire but comapred to the armour of the Draconid marines, it was not enough.

Taskeal ooked at the visorless helmets of the marines as one of them slammed a Tyrekian's head between the marine's forearm and the bulkhead, crushing the skull.

Taskea - They don't see? This will be too easy.

Both of them perform acrobatics during theri close-combat attacks to confuse their opponents but it did very little. The marines moved and attacked as if he could see perfectly and one of them managed to bat Taskea to the wall. One of his squadmates fired a quagma pulse in Tyko's direction, which he managed to dodge.

Tyko - They sense smell. Perfume the whole room.

Despite the room having beeen filled with a meaty scent, this did nothing either. The Tyrekians did not ealise the marines could see with a network of cameras built into the headplate where the visor would have been. One of them managed to hit Taskea to the floor and rested his fot on her stomach while his squadmates protected his flanks. Tyko struggled to tackle the marine pressing on Taskea when one of his squadmates smacked Tyko aside and pointed his carbine at Tyko. Tyko pulled his own gun out from a holster.

Marine - Stand down. NOW.

The marine looked briefly to the other marine who picked Taskea up, slung her over his shoulder and carried her away under escort. Tyko rushed to get her but the marine lifted his arm to block him. He reached out as she struggled and the marine forced him back.

Tyko - NO!
Taskea - Tyko!
Maine - You can joni her if you like!

The marine grabbed Tyko by the throat and forced hi magainst the wall.

Marine - OR WHAT?
Tyko - Or our empire will mercilessly slaughter your worlds...

The marine paused, a quiet laugh into a boastful one.

Marine - You make a fine entertainer, Tyrekian! Much better than as a commander.
Tyko - You underestimate us. NOW GIVE HER BACK!
Marine - You may notice that YOU, underestimated US.
Tyko - Give her back or face the consequences.

The marine punched Tyko in the diaphragm.

Tyko - Agh! You broke my flat computer!
Marine - You are weak, pathetic, a terrible excue for a soldier.

The marine punched again, winding Tyko who felt the marine's claws squeezing the sides of his neck.

Marine - Give me a reason not to squeeze your sorry life out of you?
Tyko - One reason? You are monsters.
Marine - This War was a mistake your people made so answer the question.

Two more soldiers appeared from a nearby hangar and stunned the marine. The marine fell low to the ground and into a kneeling position as his suit stopped him from collapsing completely. The stunning jolt prompted him to open his wings, smacking the guards aside and in the distraction Tyko escaped to find Taskea. Looking down a corridor he saw the marines carrying her anda few other Tyrekians head into a boarding pod which closed behind them. Hooks on the side of the pod pushed away to release the pod and it flew back toWards the Draconid fleet. As alarms blared and forcefields amterialised to contain the air pressure Tyko collapsed onto his knees in front of the partially-melted hole where the pod once rested.

Tyko - I will find her... I WILL FIND HER!

Outside the ship the Tyrek Empire's fleet was battered. With Taskea lost and as they became overwhelmed with opposing reinforcements arriving Tyko returned to the bridge and ordered for a tactical retreat. Many ships were lost as Tyko tried to get what remained of the fleet out of the interdiction to escape. When he finilly crossed the threshold with only a few ships left he ordered for an FTL jump as soon as possible and hastily returned to the Tyrek Empire. On the journey home he felt ashamed and angry; POOTIS's distraction had not been enough, he had almost lost a fleet and Taskea along with several of their soldiers had been captured.



The Imperium retreats from a dying Laralus Prime

Dracia Ultanos sat in specially-arranged accomodations aboard the TNSS Shivarus. She sat in a lounger with a glass of orange-cloloured wine in her hand while a quiet growl constantly slipped form her mouth as she sat. She reviewed images on her personal viewscreen and looked at a view of Laralus Prime. The rolling plains and lush jungles of her former home were now barren and lifeless dustbowls. She watched an orbital view as lush grass changed to coarse desert before her very eyes. The surface and every Imperial-held system in the Kraw Galaxy was being stripped dry of every natural resource and every city, probe, asteroid and relay was being ravenously dismantled as sWarms of nanomachines, launched on her own authoity, stripped the territory bare with extractor sWarms going as deep as the upper mantle. Even the very soil was leeched of all nutrients and minerals.

For the past few weeks, every grain of material was being converted, every plant was collected harvested for its fruit and to preserve the species. In her mind she did not think herself resonsible, she considered the entire galaxy responsible for driving her to make such a choice. She sipped her wine and changed to view hundreds of transports leaving Eskaem with everything that was found. The populations of even the protectorates were being displaced and all ships converged on the gateway while other transports arrived to collect the resources the nanite sWarms had brought to the surface. She looked at a view of Komraes and muttered to herself with a sadistic smile.

"You Kraw, you complained so much when we tried to do good for you, you saw us as conquerors."

As she muttered the communicator on her desk beeped. She lifted herself up from her lounger, glass in hand, and walked over and activated it - Executive Admiral Leondius materialised as a hologram in the middle of the room.

Leondias - VIceroy, reports estimate that your plan will be complete within a few days. The transport firms you requested were very generous, it seems.
Dracia - Good. If these children do not want us here then we may as well erase our existence. We shall show them how wrong they were to simply wish us non-existant.
Ledonais - Of course, Viceroy. But was becoming a sWarm of locusts truly the answer?
Dracia - Better we do it ourselves and deprive them of an oppertunity to scavenge amongst the ruins like the animals they are.
Leondias - A wise move. What of the gateway?
Dracia - Have a ship fitted with a singularity stabilisation drive keep the wormhole open while it is dismantled and taken through.
Leondias - Yes Viceroy.
Dracia - One last thing, I was told by High Command that you are to be reassigned to our colonies surrounding Solinas.
Leondius - They're sending me to the Empire's doorstep? After they were the ones who questioned why we were still here?
Dracia - Admiral the security council told me that there was a vacancy that needed filling and your experience was appreciated. besides, I consider Guolivian to be a lot more tactful and respectful than the rest of this Drakon-forsaken galaxy.
Leondias - Better than babysitting these crybabies I suppose. Fine, I accept the position.

Dracia smiled as Leondias' hologram dissolved. She sat back in her lounger and watched the fleet outside the Shivarus on a viewscreen. The Draconis would soon leave the Kraw Galaxy beind, seeing little point in returning or informing any of the natives that the Imperium was gone, taking everything within their borders but the stars and planets themselves.The exclusino zone that had been enforced the whole time was quietly taken down as the last imperial ships dismantled the gravity well generators and left all but a handful of interstellar listening posts; the Imeprium was gone but they still watched in the dark places between stars. The beacons themselves, fitted with cloaking barriers would exist practically invisible in the depths of interstellar space. To look for them would be like trying to pick out a single subatomic particle in a volume the size of an entire planet.

Without a word the Draconid Imprium had effectively vanished. Leaving nothing but dead spheres of ash and bad memories.

Imperial Plot[]

The Commander's Visit[]

The Commander's Inspection

Tyranus speaks with the Tahar Commander.

While construction of Concord continued at the quick rate, the Tahar Collective Commander decided to visit the construct himself, impressed by the rumours he heard about his technology. Making on of his many visits to Concord from Cyrannus, Tyranus decided that he would play host to the powerful time traveller. On Tyranus' flagship, the Imperious, the Tahar Collective Commander strolled in, flanked by two Imperial Knights and his two partners, #120 and #244. The two reptiles began to talk to one another about Concord, with the Commander being impressed with the Empire's technology, a great honour from a member of such an advanced civilization.

Tyranus continued to speak with the Commander for the rest of the afternoon, even showing him some of the Empire's plans for the shield world. Just as the Commander was about to leave, Tyranus told him that the Empire would be happy to aid them in the future against POOTIS, who had the nerve to attack the Empire's colony of New Coruindia earlier in the year. The Commander was pleased and welcomed the Empire's help. When he left the room, Tyranus subtly smirked, before continuing on his duties.

The Commander's Inspection

Tyranus speaks with the Tahar Commander.

The Commander walks onto the bridge of the Imperious, where Tyranus was expecting him.

  • Tyranus - Hello, Mr...?
  • TCC - Greetings, I'm the Tahar Collective Commander. These are my partners, #120 and #244.
  • Tyranus - My name is Paedaius Tyranus, of the Galactic Empire of Cyrannus. Are you pleased with the progress of Concord?
  • TCC - Indeed. It will promote unity across this Galaxy, one thing I can tell you is that Concord is a very prestigious planet in the far future.
  • Tyranus - Excellent. I'm glad it has your approval.
  • TCC - Indeed. I fear for the safety of this Galaxy once we leave, for relations are rather grim between the Galaxy and the rest of the universe. I must make it so that they can have a common goal...
  • Tyranus - The Empire will be happy to protect it once you leave. Most of the attacks made against it would be easily repelled.
  • TCC - And I thank you for this.

Tyranus smiles.

  • Tyranus - While on the subject, know that you have the Empire's support on any attack made against the POOTIS threat. They had the audacity to attack one of our colonies.
  • TCC - Well, thank you very much, Grand Mandator! I look forWard to seeing Concord's completion.
  • Tyranus - Thank you for your time. I'll give you a tour, if you like.
  • TCC - Thank you.
