
An open offer from the Aeoneonatrix empire[ | ]

Hello. I come bearing an offer to all empires that meet the necessary conditions to become a client of the Aeoneonatrix empire.

Those conditions are: 1: You must be in the Milky way Galaxy, or be able to provide regular transport for us to your Galaxy.

2: You must be no more advanced than tier 4.65. (If you are tier U, we will determine if you are in need of our protection.)

3: You must be on the side of good, or willing to join the side of good immediately upon accepting.

The offer is to become a client of our empire. If you accept, you will have troops and ships sent to your planets to remain on standby to assist in your protection in case of an outside assault.

We demand only that you follow the Oath of Aeoneonatrix and provide space for our soldiers and the crews of our ships to live and for their food and water to be stored. Your current governments will remain in place and you will be allowed to keep any alliances you currently have in place, except those with our enemies, or any others who fight for evil. You will not be required to make any new alliances.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions concerning the details of this offer.

Thank you for considering.

Imperium of War Representing the Imperium of War is: Warmaster Fexonatius
Do as you wish. We will strike them a all down.

Gigaquadrant-wide News Update[ | ]


Yes, the Imperial Government decided that an alliance would be pointless to our interests.

His Esteemed Majesty Uriel Ultanos XVI of the Draconid Imperium
This does not justify how the delegate you sent waited wntil after conditions were settled and until after each of the highlords signed their names on the declaration before he told us. This statement does not help your empire's standing or reputation amongst the Commonwealth's member nations.
If we cared in the slightest about what you and your puppets thought, we would have went through with the alliance. Clearly, we do not.

His Esteemed Majesty Uriel Ultanos XVI of the Draconid Imperium
Then it is clear that we made the wrong decision of ever thinking your government was worth the highlords' time. Mark my words Imperator; an empire is built on the backbone of the people and the only reward self-serving politicians such as yourself tend to get is a long list of enemies.
Self-serving? I was chosen by my people and Emperor and I serve them loyally. If I did not, I would surely be removed. My people decreed that an alliance with your commonwealth would be both a waste of time and politically irrelevant. Why? Because from what I can see, at this stage, the Commonwealth is more of less synonymous with the Draconid Imperium. The other "highlords" don't appear to have quite the same status as you. Until that changes, we have more useful things to be doing.

Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Grand Guardian Lingur Wildlight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
Given my past experience, namely, that you can tell a large number of evil empires and persons are evil by their OBVIOUSLY EVIL names, I can only side against the guy who's name is almost "Tyranny." However, "Draconis" has the sound "Dra-ko" in it, so I'm guessing you're not too fly yourself. And, upon checking up on your empire's practices I found that that is exactly the case. Good job being predictable.
Your logic is bad and you should feel bad.

TIAF Intergalactic Channel - Captain Lorrelas
The Empire's actions have done nothing but damaged the Empire's reputation within the TIAF and most likely across the universe, "Your Excellence". This should be a message to the Gigaquadrant that the Empire is a backstabbing manipulator, and that they do not deserve the trust of any nation. If not even the Andromeda Galactic Commonwealth is worth their loyalty, I doubt they truly honor any ties with any other nation they are "allied" with. I hope you're enjoying yourself, "Your Excellence", because you are about to find in the future that such a luxury will be scarce for Cyrannus. Though I would have to agree with the Empire on one thing. I don't know what the hell that Aeoneonatrix is smoking.
Believe me, I know the TIAF are experts on having a good reputation. But don't get your panties in a knot, Lorrelas. We give our respect to nations that deserve and earn it. It is not a birthright.

Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Grand Guardian Lingur Wildlight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
Mock me as you please, but we all know its true. If you deny this, name one person in the entire universe with a name like "Tyranus" or "Gigafury" or an empire with a name like "The Drakodominatus Tyranny" or "The Imperium of War" or "The Agonious Dominion" that isn't as evil as its name makes it sound.
Representing the Imperium of War is: Imperator Caligustus
We disagree. First off, semantics. Second off, "Imperium of War" contains a mistranslation of the part that is "War". Your language cannot possibly begin to comprehend it's truer, far more glorious meaning. Third off, "Imperium" means "command". It is a neutral term. So is "Dominion", it's more colonial variant. The meanings remain the same, which do not make it anymore evil. Fourth off, not all tyrants nor dicators have been as vile as you seem to believe. Originally, both terms had likewise neutral meanings. Fifth off, can you say an empire like ours, that ultimately works to strengthen all species we encounter, is objectively evil? Sixth off, if "Imperium" is evil, then surely "Aeoneoatrix Empire" is evil as well? Certainly you go-doers are as guilty in indoctrinating your citizens as we are? We are doing our best not to roar that part, so do not make us.
Spore Cultists
Lingur our organisation believes you are on to something. Civilisations of the Gigaquadrant are simply too toy-like, too artificial... Just look at the unimaginative names! Our organisation believes the universe is merely a collective imagination of some rather mean people (who cause war and chaos for their own fun) who play a game we have deduced is called Spore.
Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Grand Guardian Lingur Wildlight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
Well, while that would explain the name thing, and why so many people constantly do stupid things, and why i'm somehow involved in every extremely significant encounter with any alien race, and why the supposedly stronger evil races like the Xhodocto are defeated so often, or why I got to the Troodontids planet through such a convenient wormhole that species of my tech level should be unable to use, and why the history of the Earth and humans is so much more complicated than the others, or why universal translators misspell things, or why so many of us resemble empires from 20th-21st century Human science fiction, or why anyone would ever spread their population as thinly as the Dominatus Tyranny does, or why there is absolutely no religion in the Troodontid Empire what-so-ever, or why anyone isn't religious given all of the immortal races running around, or why Phase-hunter says and does the things he does, or why at the same time no one can ever get our of hell, but the Architect got out of hell and everyone there mentally projects their last body but also several of them are in the same mangled forms, or why our empire had no reaction to anything that it should have reacted to until recently or why we waited so long after heading toward them with a massive fleet to finally get to and attack the Troodontids, or why I do almost all of the talking for my empire even though I shouldn't, or why at the same time all people go to heaven or hell upon death yet some people are spared an endless cycle of death and rebirth by going to heaven, or why almost every empire's flag, if it has one, looks like it was done in MS paint, or why Callanni has absolutely no excuse not to figure out what the Dominatus did with the Drodo but doesn't tell everyone, or why tomatoes and wheat evolved independently on the Loron's and human's home planets, or the several other examples of unrealistically convergent evolution, or why I know about many of the things i just spoke on but won't again after this post, but I can't see what mechanism would bring to life a bunch of crappy fan-fiction empires on some wiki and give them conscious experience. Because of that i must reject this hypothesis.
General Gerden Kole - Theian IG channels
I have no idea who you are or what you've been smoking. All I know is I really want some of whatever you're having.
Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Grand Guardian Lingur Wildlight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
Well, I HAVE eaten some rainbow spice recently. Regardless, my original point still stands, empires with obviously evil names are, ALWAYS evil and untrustworthy. Now let's just pretend this whole episode never happened, okay?
The future of the Gigaquadrant, ladies and gentlemen.


MiniMortaldocto The Xhodocto
Stop saying our name. It makes us want to...act.
*Hundreds of trillions of messages from trolls, mad and stupid people saying "Xhodocto" spam the Xhodocto email inbox as they said this on a Universal Discussion Board.*
The Xhodocto
Fear us or not. Death is your eventual release regardless.
Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Grand Guardian Lingur Wildlight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
My apologies. May I ask however, given that you believe, as I understand, that all mortals go to hell *Gulps rainbow spice* how do you not notice that the ones not killed by you or your legion aren't there?
The Xhodocto
There is a decision in life. Inferno is...the punishment.
Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Grand Guardian Lingur Wildlight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
What is the decision? Why is it punished with inferno? And why don't you notice what I asked you why you don't notice?
Spore Cultist
That is it my student! If you keep questioning "reality" around you, the more easy it will become to work out everyone is no more thick than cardboard cutouts!
Alright, for the record: Prettymuch everyone in this universe is an idiot in one way or another, and the lot of you can stop bickering over how stupid each of your are. Seriously, you call me a pirate and criminal for keeping my people alive and in one piece, but I'd rather be an outlaw according to someone else than a bumbling idiot to everyone!
BastnliuesFlagRepresenting the Bastnliues Republic is: Lord Applon Antaous (Communications)
Lingur, I suggest stop gulping down that Rainbow spice, as it will most likely mess up your head, and make you say things that wont end well
General Gerden Kole - Theian IG channels
No offense, but I think he's already crossed and vomited rainbows on that line.
BastnliuesFlagRepresenting the Bastnliues Republic is: Lord Applon Antaous (Communications)
No offense taken, I actually feel somewhat bad for him, that rainbow spice must be hard to stop taking.
Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Grand Guardian Lingur Wildlight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
It's actually pretty tame. Its only effects are THAT AWESOME EUPHORIA and that you start breaking the fourth wall. First you notice tropes and plot holes. then, when you're as high as I am, you are completely aware that you're fictional and can address the writers directly and talk openly of them. Speaking of which, I don't know if the admins will like the fact that we're talking openly about drug use on this wiki, so I suggest we abort this line of discussion. Also, I'm not all that afraid of immortals. I'm actually good friends with the one I gave my soul to a while ago so I'm accustomed to them.
BastnliuesFlagRepresenting the Bastnliues Republic is: Lord Applon Antaous (Communications)
What in the Galaxy are you talk about Lingur?
Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Grand Guardian Lingur Wildlight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
The bit about the writers or the bit about my soul? As for the writers, when I'm extremely high on rainbow spice, like I was when I typed that, I become convinced I'm a fictional character on some place called "Sporewiki."

As for my soul, my species offer our souls to our immortal creator once we become old enough to do so validly. He's a nice guy, very affable, likes to torture mortals to increase his power. I've helped him find good candidates for that in the past.

He makes them hallucinate and, in the hallucination, appears to them as a black and red figure who offers them something in exchange for their soul. If they accept, he gives it to them, and torments them for (what is at least from their point of view) an extended period of time (It my, however, not actually be very long. He can make seconds seem like years.). How long, and if he claims their soul before or after he gives them the thing varies from "cleansing" to "cleansing".

He doesn't torment our souls though, he just keeps us ready to make into immortals on a moment's notice, in case it is needed.
General Gerden Kole - Theian IG channels
The phrases "high as a cirrus cloud" and "sucker alert" spring to mind when you're speaking out of that mouth-hole of yours.
The Technocracy is kinda against giving souls to creatures like that because it seems like a waste of time better spent developing new ways to understand the nature of reality...or blow stuff up. The latter is my personal favourite.


An important Gigaquadrant-wide update[ | ]


That's terrible news. It's vital that NONE of those three forces every gain that kind of power. The Dominatus would destroy any species they can't conquer. The Junction would eliminate anyone they don't find useful. And the DCP would instantly annihilate any race they saw fit to "punish."

Is there any way to ensure none of those factions gets it?

If not, how can we help the DCP? They're bad but at least they're the least of those 3 evils.


Professor Drake Senvinus of the Draconid Imperium
Bah, what is it with younger figures and clawing over new ways to destroy each other? it makes me wonder if their scientists have nothing better to do than, oh I don't know, uncovering other more ground-breaking mysteries of the universe? I for one know a few professors who would love to know how such stellar objects as these hyperpace stars form, or perhaps study their effect on hyperspace.
Regardless, I hear the Comonwealth is dispatching a fleet to deal with this 'Exodium'. Such a shame... who knows of the answers it contains from the untold millennia it has been observing our universe.
Grimb Incoming Transmission - DCP Channel
I'm afraid I bring grave news, Exodium took the stars from all of us, and we banded together, millions strong. But the battle is lost, Exodium has defeated us swiftly, and we believe it is ready to target everyone with the weapons for whatever its nefarious purposes may be. We were all manipulated, although the DCP was the first to find the stars, and to study them, one of our commanders took over the project with AI contractor - not one of ours. We wanted to turn the stars on Gigaquadrant-level threats, but this 'Exodium' got the better of us. I repeat, the battle is lost, and no-one is sure what action to take.


I reason that only Tyranny allies (Of which there are a whopping three that I know of) or Junction allies (Of which I think there are two) will want either side to win. So is there a way to pool, well, the entire rest of the universe against those 7 empires? I'd imagine between every one of us, we could beat them both and ensure that no one gets this power. If anyone would be willing to aid in such an effort, please respond indicating this!
The Gargator Empire (Channel)
As much as I can't stand unbelievers such as yourselves, I must offer my assistance. For the servants of Spode will also be hurt by either of these factions winning.
Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Grand Guardian Lingur Wildlight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
I had in mind someone who would make a meaningful contribution.
The Holy Prophet of Truth of the Brotherhood of Spode
Garators, fellow followers of His word, I hope you understand that if you attack unbelievers, the univers will see you as evil. And Spode isn't evil, not cruel, but kind and caring. You have our aid. Spode bless you all.
Representing the Waptoria Alliance of Species is: W'tze
Could those Hyperspace stars affect the wildlife of this universe? If they do, then it is our duty to protect that wildlife... Anyways, Exodium needs to be brought to justice. We are only glad to aid you.
Professor Drake Senvinus of the Draconid Imperium
The radiation output of even a single star detonating is enough to heat the vicinity of space at the epicentre to temperatures unseen since the universe's creation with radiation outputs that could rival hypernovae.
In short, yes. Biospheres across entire galactic sectors would be affected as background cosmic radiation levels increase and any planet in the vicinity is blasted with tremendous amounts of cosmic radiation.
Federal Vilerg Council Federal Vilerg Dictatorial Council
This is very concerning data indeed. The main thing we are worried about over here in the Emergency Planning Room is what will happen. We are already putting Government Contingency Plans in action and drawing up Evacuation Plans, in the case that something of apocalyptic proportions happens. Let's pray that something horrible does not happen.


Tyranny Flag Grand Admiral Gravius Gnissenkrassau
To all forces in the Gigaquadrant, the entirety of the collective allied force has been utterly defeated in the space of but a few seconds by what has been termed as a Nicoll Dyson Laser by our collective forces. However, one ship does remain, the Tiamat, the pride of the Dominatus fleet, on which the entirety of the leadership of the allied forces resides. It is currently taking on the Nicoll Dyson Laser of Exodium, trying to move closer to a more effective range of it's weapons, to the core of the system. It seems that this is our final hope, wish them luck
Imperium of War Representing the Imperium of War is: {{{char}}}
Hmmm. Although we never want to end a war, we will enter hyperspace, and aid our Tyranny allies. Why we are doing this? If one war ends, a greater war starts.



Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Grand Guardian Lingur Wildlight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
You'll forgive me for not sharing your enthusiasm for being forced so surrender and see loyalty ships inserted into myself and all of my clients. Also "Gravius Gnissenkrassau?" What's up with that name? Is it like, your parents were hipsters and it's supposed to sound stupid because it's "ironic?"
Federal Vilerg Dictatorial Council
I recommend we stay on topic. This is a very dire matter, and we cannot afford to resort to petty fighting in times like this. We need to be united against this threat, as we are all in extreme danger right now. We can fight with each other later, but for now we must set aside our differences, and come up with a solution or plan. Also, what is a "hipster", I do not understand that concept.
Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Grand Guardian Lingur Wildlight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
Perhaps. But regardless, though I don't know anything about this "Exodium" save for what's been said here, I can't imagine anything much worse than the tyranny having the power to hold a gun to the head of any civilization they desire and demand they submit to enslavement. But if the universe is counting on me, I'm willing to assist if and only if I either have a reasonable guarantee that the tyranny will not acquire the power provided by these stars, or I am convinced that they are the lesser of two evils to the extent that I can help them win with a clear conscience, knowing this will result in every non-dominatus in the gigaquadrant either being dead or being a dominatus slave for the foreseeable future. And their word is not sufficient to meet either of these conditions, because I don't trust them to any extent whatsoever.
Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Dr. Callanni Candleflame (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
Lingur, this thing is likely to wipe out all life in the universe, I suggest you let our forces help. Even it this does result in our enslavement, it is inevitable that the Tyranny fall eventually, and, when it does, us or our descendants will likely be free again.
Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Grand Guardian Lingur Wildlight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
Fine. The Aeoneonatrix are willing to help to defeat Exodium.
The Mardor Empire (Mardor Channel)
Willing to assist. Say, tyranny, once you rule the universe with the power of hyperspace, will you remember our race's brief alliance?
The Gargator Empire (Channel)
Let's show this AI the wrath of Spode!
BastnliuesFlagRepresenting the Bastnliues Republic is: Lord Applon Antaous (Communications)
The Bastnliues republic, will do their best, to try to deter the threat, if it comes into our range (aka Cyrannus galaxy and any intergalactic rifts near it.)
Space Stage Unlocked {{{char}}}
The Hegemony will stand against this overgrown calculator. We shall not let the universe fall without a fight. I plead with any other empires out there for them to stand hand in hand with us against Exodium.
woah man yor all losas loosin to sum random geek yor all "OH MA DAYZ WES ALL GONNA DAI DA OONIVERS GONNA DAI WE SUK HALP EXODIUM IS A MEENY". hao bout yoo all SHUT UP AN STOP WHININ yor a buncha wimps who cant kill a computa.
Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Grand Guardian Lingur Wildlight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
Well if you can do it so easily, please do. We'd all owe you allot. In fact, several races might be so thankful, they'd give you pizza as a thank you for saving the world.

ICRS Negotiations[ | ]

This is Admiral Kiznad of the ICRS. I would like to say on behalf of my Emperor that is an honor to be speaking among factions from across the entire Universe and that all people of the ICRS look forward to future prosperity alongside our neighbors in the Borealis Galaxy. With that message from the Emperor aside, I would to ask that any faction within the Borealis Galaxy that is willing to do so would fill us in on any and all current galactic situations so as to stay updated on a galactic scale. I would also appreciate any contact to negotiate alliances or just to make sure we don't end up accidentally shooting each other. That is all.

MiniRebaris Representing the Zoles Imperium is: King Rebaris Zulouar IV (Communications)
Greetings, I am King Rebaris of the Zoles Imperium. I don't think your species is in our databanks. Welcome to th e galactic community. My agents will be sending you information about the galaxy's current state, as soon as we find out where you are situated.
Waptoria Alliance Representing the Waptoria Alliance of Species is: W'tze
Hey, Rebaris and Kiznad! Just a question. Can we ally you? Y'know, we would be glad to colonize the former Alvino territory or something like that. Alvino are interesting, with all their organic tech. Just like our tech. Maybye we'll be able to get some Alvino after Regnatus is defeated. Oh, i forgot to mention. If we'll find Borealis Raptoraneans...exiting...this galaxy is so exiting...
Anyways. If you need us for something, just gimme a call.
Representing Imperial Confederacy of Raydoni Systems is: Chief Admiral Kiznad (Comms channel)
Thank you for recieving us, King Rebaris. My Emperor wishes to send his apologies that he cannot speak at this time as he has come down with a sickly disease. However, I shall speak on his behalf. If you wish, you can send some scientists to the ICRS homeworld and I'm sure they'll be allowed to study our species. Thank you for the welcome, by the way; we also appreciate you sending us the information, that will be very helpful, although I'm unfamiliar with the galaxy's political division and I don't know where we are situated at this time.

I can, however say that we may possibly be near a "Drakodominatus Tyranny" as we have recently encountered them briefly.

As to W'tze: we might ally you, if we can find out more about you; perhaps we could hold negotiations with you later. We also don't know who the Alvino are, perhaps the Zoles Imperium could supply us with that info. If the Borealis Galaxy is as exciting as you say, then we are eager to know more. Perhaps we have something in common.
Representing the Zoles Imperium is: King Rebaris Zulouar IV (Communications)
Some scientists will be sent to your homeworld for study. My scans say you come from the Sovaikai Sector, which is unknown to us at the moment. We'll take the opportunity of studying it after we are done with this war. About political division, stay within the Arm of Knowledge or the criminals of the Arm of Wildness will attempt to manipulate you.
ey look. noo peepz. sup noo peepz. is yoo tasty? cus yoo sur look tasty.
Waptoria Alliance Representing the Waptoria Alliance of Species is: W'tze
Eh. Loron. We ain't tasty man. Most of our memba species taste liek cotton so yoo betta dont eet us. Oi an I can speek da Loron Spik cus imma Raptoranean an Raptoranean can leern noo languages by touching peeps. Anyways we is coming ta Borealis an get sum cool Alvino an dum Loron an stuff. An we is going afta ya fewls.
Representing Da Rogue Boyz is: Hagto'Zhl (Da comms channel)
stop tryin ta act like a loron. ya makin yaself look stoopid
Waptoria Alliance Representing the Waptoria Alliance of Species is: W'tze
Oh really? You can't boss me around, Loron.
Greetings. I notice you say that you're near the Drakodominatus Tyranny. Beware, they are both really evil and really powerful. Also avoid the Loron if possible. That's about the limit of my knowledge of your galaxy however. I hope you may prosper.

Denial of Entry[ | ]


A Confession from Lingur[ | ]

Alright, I'm doing this in public so I can't go back on it.

Callanni, ever since you were knocked out while we were stealing the Dominatus egg that would become Ameius, and I though for a moment I'd lost you, I... I just can't hold this in any longer.

Callanni, I am deeply and madly in love with you. It wasn't at first sight or anything, this began after we'd known each other for a few years, but, as of the past 35 out of the 40 years we've worked together, I've been struggling to hold this in. Now, you know. The whole Gigaquadrant knows in fact. I hope this can finally become something, that we can finally become something. I'm not asking for marriage yet or anything, just, give me a chance as more than a friend and colleague.


Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Grand Guardian Lingur Wildlight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
Oh, Oh I did let that slip didn't I? Don't worry, as I said it hatched, and he's fine. We're treating him fine. We have no intentions for him you'd... actually YOU'D object to him being a soldier for good (and consequently against the Tyranny) and taking my last name. But nothing that's like, harmful. By our standards. Nice to know he has that kind of genetics behind him though.
Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Ameius Wildlight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
Actually, I kind of like it with them. They've told me about your empire, and, well, I don't want to be evil. I don't want to kill people to make them into drones, nor do I want to capture people and force them to work, especially in the conditions that have been described to me. Don't worry, what Lingur says is true, they're not hurting me, I hope you understand.
Aeoneonatrix Empire Flag Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Dr. Callanni Candleflame (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
Lingur, yes, let's move in that direction. I must confess, though I'm not sure it's as intense, I feel the same way. But, I think I do love you.
Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Grand Guardian Lingur Wildlight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
Callanni, thank you. That's the best news I've gotten, I think ever.
yeh cus tellin everyun yoo stole a Dominatus egg in a frikkin public ooniversal board is a gud idea. da hell is wrong wiv yoo??? not even UNO is dis dum. an no one cares if yoo luv sumone luvin is also dum
BastnliuesFlagRepresenting the Bastnliues Republic is: Lord Applon Antaous (Communications)
Hmmm, interesting how the Dominatus can use biomass to their own will, That could be useful, especially if I can find a way to put that ability in the Mark III Xenon-Nanoshell.
Waptoria Alliance Representing the Waptoria Alliance of Species is: W'tze
We, the Waptoria, can control biomass, like the Dominatus. And we gave you some of our tech, so you technically can, too, although in a very low extent.
BastnliuesFlagRepresenting the Bastnliues Republic is: Lord Applon Antaous (Communications)
ah, I remember, The Bastnliues Republic will try to upgrade the tech you gave us to work with our tech, especially for the Mark III Xeon-Nanoshell, but the biomass will take some time to work it out.

A Call to Arms[ | ]


Gustavus Ikeben, Coalitionary General of the United Free People's Coalition
People of the First Gigaquadrant, lend me your ears.

I am Gustavus Ikeben, elected leader of the United Free Peoples Coalition. I represent hundreds of billions of freed slaves formerly held under the iron hand of the Drakodominatus Tyranny, and those trillions of souls that were not so fortunate.
It hasn’t been long since the failure of the Domintus’ control chips––an event that set us free and brought the Tyranny to its knees––and already the aggressor is on its way back up, preparing to counter attack.
In this moment, the Tyranny is weak. Our uprising has managed to cripple the Tyranny’s industry, to scatter its fleets and leave them stranded without the ability to refuel; but to say that it is permanently crippled is a grievous mistake. As I issue this message, thousands of Tyranny battleships are sweeping back over freed worlds like a black tide, drowning our brethren mercilessly as punishment for their defiance.
As things currently stand, it isn’t a question of if the Tyranny will regain its former colonies, but when. But, these questions are irrelevant. We stand at a crossroads, and the questions everyone should be asking themselves are these:

Will the whole of the First Gigaquadrant stand by and let the Tyranny recover?
Will it let this window of opportunity pass, thinking that the Tyranny will eventually cease its rampage? Does it think that the Tyranny can be contained, reasoned with?!

If the answer of any of these is yes, I will be the first to tell you that you are wrong.

Dead wrong.

The Tyranny will not stop, it will not cease to expand when it has defeated and annexed the whole universe, it will move on to others, and others still! It is an unstoppable war machine whose thirst for bodies and territory will never be quenched. There is only one way to stop it, and that is to destroy it. Right now, right here, there is a golden opportunity, a golden window that is rapidly closing as the Tyranny moves to recover its lost assets.

I ask you to intervene.

I ask all of you to stop standing by as the Tyranny slaughters billions and enslaves trillions. I ask you to stop waiting until it is too late, and it’s your turn to defend yourself against an unrelenting aggressor that could have been struck down in a moment of weakness long ago, but you in your fear were unwilling to move a finger to take advantage of it.
With this message, I intend to be the first in a long line of nations to formally declare war on the Drakodominatus Tyranny. I intend to fight without reserve until the Tyrant lies prostrate at my feet, or until I die, cornered, helpless, and alone in some distant corner of the universe.

I hope you do not suffer the same fate.

Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Grand Guardian Lingur Wildlight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
The Aeoneonatrix are ready to assist. You are right, the tyranny will never stop. The only response to them is violence.
Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Ameius Wildlight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
I'll be full grown in about 90 days. I'll be fighting along side you then.


Imperium of War Representing the Imperium of War is: {{{char}}}
We cannot stand the thought that our own slaves will revolt, so to show them a lesson, we will stand by the Dominatus, and crush all the saves and their supporters!
Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Grand Guardian Lingur Wildlight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
Wake up you stupid fools! Look at what they believe, that they are the master race and ALL OTHERS are inferior to them. Once they have no more use for you, they'll turn your race into biodrones without hesitation, and take all of your planets as their own. The same goes for all of their allies. From the Delpha coalition of Planets to the Khilai Empire, to the Galactic Empire of Cyrannus. The Tyranny are not the enemies of a few select empires that call themselves "good." They are the enemies of all life except for themselves. The sooner we all see that, the better of we'll all be.
Representing the Imperium of War is: {{{char}}}
I fully understand you weakling. Because I would do the same if the Tyranny would ever fail. Like we both are planning to do with the Thérenian Dominion. We act in the same way, and that is why we are the master race. THIS IS WHY WE WILL CRUSH YOU!
Waptoria Alliance Representing the Waptoria Alliance of Species is: W'tze
We cannot allow the Tyranny to exploit the natural resources of their planets to depletion as they do, nor can we allow them to take people's freedom. They have to be brought to justice.
Barda Clett of the Federation of Glory
The Federation of Glory will not stand by. We have tried to live in peace with the Tyranny, but now, now we will Move to defend. Our fleets will fight, and our men will die, to oversee this Tyranny's end!
File:ISf cof.png Iron Systems Federation General Communique
Iron Systems Federation mobilising. Slaves irrelevant. Destruction of Drakodominatus Tyranny is primary objective. Unsustainability of technological advancement evident. Reliance on efforts of others evident. Containment ineffective against inherently violent organisms. Extermination most suitable option. Drakodominatus Tyranny has no place in Universal Machine. Removal is necessary.
Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Gondoo Freeflight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
So escaped slaves are irrelevant? Their well-being does not matter?
Iron Systems Federation General Communique
Drakodominatus Tyranny to be eradicated. Slaves are irrelevant. Collateral damage is a number.
Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Gondoo Freeflight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
A number that can cancel out the point of a battle.
Iron Systems Federation General Communique
Incorrect. Collateral damage reflects specificity of force application. Primary objective to be completed regardless of external casualties / damage to property. Universal Machine will be restored.
Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Gondoo Freeflight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
I was not incorrect. A Noble battle is fought to help or save innocent people. If you kill more innocent people in the process than you save, or cause more suffeing than you prevent, the entire battle was pointless.
Iron Systems Federation General Communique
Aeoneonatrix moral code relevant only to Aeoneonatrix. Irrelevant to engagement. Irrelevant to Universal Machine. If Aeoneonatrix intend to heed moral code, recommend cease irrelevant argument. Attempt recruitment of ally units. Also recommend understand position in Universal Machine. Deviation ends only in removal.
Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Gondoo Freeflight (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
I'm not even an Aeoneonatrix. I'm a Dorgitassi. The tyranny would know us for our hard toiling on one of their spa worlds. The Moral code is relevant to everyone. It's even relevant to the Dominatus, as Ameius' general goodness would indicate.
Iron Systems Federation General Communique
Concepts 'good' 'evil' artificial. Irrelevant societal construct. Biased justification for action. Transmission deemed irrelevant. Closing local connection.


MiniMortaldocto The Xhodocto
Greetings, Ladies, Gentlemen, and asexual.. things.. of the gigaquadrant! A little birdy told me that some of you delightful little morons are ganging up on some bunch of big-headed slagrats called the Drakodominatus Tyranny. Well, I'm just here to let you know that the premier mercenary outfit in the entire Andromeda Galaxy, the Star Reavers themselves, are offering out our services once again. The Reavers have fought across the gigaquadrant, from Andromeda to Borealis, even a quick stint in Ko'Sa'Va. There is literally nothing we can't achieve. No task is too difficult, no target too well protected.

Oh, and those rumours of us being payed to attack cargo transports deep in Draconid Imperium territory? Complete BS, I do it for fun in my spare time!

Admiral Kaios, the Reaver


After a very long debate, I have convinced the senate of my nation to give support for slave rebels and fugitives; and also to all people currently fighting against the Tyranny.
Representing The League of Patrons is The Trainer, Patron of Essence (The League Channel)
Our organization is considering intervention.

Imperial Justice[ | ]

Good day. I am Potentate Aeresius of the Cyrannian Galactic Empire. Today, I represent Emperor Antediluvian, who felt it was wise to inform you that rebel forces in the Outer Rim of Cyrannus, including Confederate warmongers and known slavers have begun a siege on the Empire's outer colonies. As such, the Emperor has deployed an entire starfleet to quell these rebels. I feel like it is my duty to warn you that whoever sides with the dissidents will be considered equally guilty and as such, the Empire will punish them accordingly. We will not deal with terrorists. Imperial justice is at hand.

His Esteemed Majesty Uriel Ultanos XVI of the Draconid Imperium
Rest-assured that the Draconid Imperium has little interest in this conflict and thus we shall remain a neutral party. However if these Confederates or slavers dare approach any one of our systems with malicious intent, we will not hesitate to fire on them.
TIAF Flag TIAF Intergalactic Channel - Ambassador Lorrelas
The Federation would like to assure you that despite our anti-Imperial reputation, we do not support these particular rebels. If they become a threat to our interests, the Federation may go as far as to offer support to put them down. No promises, though.
Well, while you're off with your big fancy 'Imperial Justice,' just keep in mind that Cyrannus really isn't that far from Andromeda, and there's a certain group of individuals around here that tend to be better suited to finding and wiping out slavers quickly than a blanket starfleet. Just sayin'.
We shall see about that.

War is good for business[ | ]


Mardor selling Organic products[ | ]

Attention, the Mardor Empire is currently attempting to raise funds by selling off the following organic products.

Mypho: Our first slave race, they are grey, furry, mammals, make good torture fodder, also tasty. 200 Sporebucks.
Fluxians: Former Aeoneonatrix clients, not edible, good torture fodder. 300 Sporebucks.
Gultsaards: Former Aeoneonatrix clients, good workers. 500 Sporebucks.
Gluxoroxos: Former Aeoneonatrix clients, extremely tasty, great workers, great torture fodder. 1,000 Sporebucks.

Mypho: Average meat, though unusually tender. 4,000 Sporebucks per ton.
Grelgoths: High quality beef-like meat. 5,000 Sporebucks per ton
Dorgitassi: High quality poultry, very rich. 6,000 Sporebucks per ton. (Only for a limited time.)
Aeoneonatrix: Very succulent, high quality meat. 11,000 Sporebucks per ton. (low stock.)

Humans: Infamously delicious, common delicacy, succulent and irresistible. 20,000 Sporebucks per ton.

no pizza? dis is a scam
The Mardor Empire (Mardor Channel)
The meat is raw and shipped in bulk. You can use it as a pizza topping.
Professor Drake Senvinus of the Draconid Imperium
Excuse me while I vomit at this commerical prospect. The idea of battery-farming sapient lifeforms causes my stomach to churn not to mention the rather obvious notions on differing biochemistries.
The Mardor Empire (Mardor Channel)
If that is your problem, Grelgoths are not sapient. They are about as intelligent as the cows we compared them to.
The Mardor Empire (Mardor Channel)
Heh. You do seem angry. Don't worry, this is a public announcement of mercy for them. These ones are all luckier then the one I have in my hand right now. He's about 9 years old, adorable little guy, he says his name is Matheray Suntail. I'm not able to do everything to him that I can do while I'm working but... heh... I'm clawing him right now. His pain is, fabulous, just, just fantastic, and of course, he has another 341 years to be here with us. Do you like it, Lingur? Do you like knowing your children suffering and there is nothing that you can do about it?
Grimb Incoming Transmission - DCP Channel
We have analysed the meat products, and they are an obvious forgery, the slaves are derived from replicated protein designed to be similar to the original and programmed in a shabby way to try and adapt to the customers digestion. We highly advise you do not eat the products. As it is well known, alien lifeforms are nearly always inedible due to the differing biochemistries and enzymes or analogs needed to digest the biochemical.
The Mardor Empire (Mardor Channel)
You dare to accuse us of fraud? This is laughable, as aliens eat aliens all the time.
Incoming Transmission - DCP Channel
We are not accusing you of fraud, we have proven you as fraud. However, a couple of the races are as advanced, and far more advanced than your civilisation. And they would quite like to know how you stole the genetic template of their civilians, because you sure didn't conquer them.
The Mardor Empire (Mardor Channel)
Heh, the Aeoneonatrix were less advanced then us until about 6 months ago. They were not capable of preventing our conquests of their pathetic clients and even their colonies. As for humans, there are many human slave populations floating around from various periods in their history, they are not hard to find. The Dorgitassi come from tyranny spas, was assumed the tyranny would not mind us going ahead and using them as meat since the tyranny is trying to eradicate all of their former slave races anyway.
Now this traffic of more primitive societies has been revealed to us, we will take upon ourselves to protect them. If you want to keep those little slaver ships of yours, you will know to stay away from worlds under our legislation, and in the interest of our sentience laws, that means all of them.
Imperium of War Representing the Imperium of War is: {{{char}}}
We buy 250 of each. They will make good target practice.
The Mardor Empire (Mardor Channel)
Thank you. I'm sad to say that you will have to come pick them up as we are not able to traverse intergalactic voids, however, we will discount you by 5% for this inconvenience. This results in a total of 475,000 Sporebucks. Enjoy your slaves.
Waptoria Alliance Representing the Waptoria Alliance of Species is: W'tze
Disgusting. Simply disgusting. None the less, we will buy 100 of each. At least we can give these freedom.
The Mardor Empire (Mardor Channel)
Thank you for your purchase. Like the IoW, you will have to come pick them up, though we're quite delighted to say there is a 20% mark up, (as well as the cancellation of all discounts), for any purchase with the intend of granting freedom. Hence, that will be 240,000.

Template:Msg/Meta Template:Msg/Meta

Representing the Waptoria Alliance of Species is: W'tze
I know it is, but in my opinion, it's better to prevent those slaves from being eaten by buying them, than randomly annihilating Mardor ships.


Draconid Withdrawl from Cyrannus[ | ]

DrakGenericMini01 Viceroy Delannia Drevix of the Draconid Imperium
This is an official transmission, a declaration that the Draconid Imperium will, as of next month, leave the Cyrannus galaxy behind in a sector-scale withdrawl. The Grand Senate has debated for months in regard to the simply appauling attitude of the local dominant government. Those of you who have learned of the Imperium's actions in Nivilum Ocrumos will realise that our withdrawl will warrant the same results: Every attainable resource in our former territory will be removed leaving barren worlds and dead asteroids.

It is a shame. There were trillions in the Imperium who felt a connection but if the Empire's governemnt will not even bother reciprocating then we see no point in our efforts. It has been agreed that Cyrannians no longer deserve our presence. The attitude of their government has cost them the oppertunity to gain a potentially valuable ally. If we are not welcome in their galaxy, they are not welcome to the bounty we had unearthed. The gateway leading to said galaxy will be disabled and propelled into the black hole it surrounds.

Consider this a lesson, imperials. While you spit on such ideals, honour is a key part of our culture. To be betrayed or shunned is considered nothing less than an insult, and only the sheer number of guns you possess protects you from our wrath - such a barbaric way to maintain order.

...is there a way to remove this message from the board or at least censor it? The last thing the Light wants is the Imperial warmachine this Draconid viceroy berated so much turning on our home galaxy. We already have enough trouble with the Brotherhood.
Viceroy Delannia Drevix of the Draconid Imperium
Please understand Lady Iovera, the moment they turn their soldiers on us my point will be soundly proven.
Ouch. Ouch. Double ouch. It always devastates me to see a civilisation set up a couple of colonies, do nothing at all, get annoyed and strip-mine the area within the space of a few months. Truly the ways of an advanced and completely functional interstellar civilisation.

In all seriousness though, what precious "bounty" and "resources" you have striped can quite easily be restored. Though of course, why would we want to? Being a cluster-wide civilisation has it's benefits, including our ability to overlook idiocy and empty threats from an empire that has been acting like a selfish child of late. It is a shame however, at first I honestly thought that you were something special among a universe of menstrual half-wits, clearly not.

I know that we have lost a valuable friend in Cyrannus, but be assured that if we decide to restore your bygone territory to it's former mediocrity, we will plant some Kraw Galaxy natives on it and I'm sure that your former neighbours will hardly notice the difference.

Viceroy Delannia Drevix of the Draconid Imperium
"Treasure what you have, lest you one day lose it" Imperator. We would not have considered doing something like this if your government had not acted like we were another trinket to your belt!
Saying we were "doing nothing" in that sector is a clear example of how aloof you all really are. You seriously never noticed the merchant vessels? Hrmph. Typical.
Look up the word "sarcasm" and come back to me.

Viceroy Delannia Drevix of the Draconid Imperium
Hrmph, no wonder the Grand Senate has grown sick of your attitude.

Travel Advisory from the New Corporate Krickan Union Ministry of Border Management[ | ]

New Corporate Krickan Union Flag New Corporate Krickan Union
Following new Corporate Policy signed by the Corporate Council and the SCEO Galak Tilhab, all travel into the Watchta Subsector is prohibited. Failure to abide by this demand will lead to the deporation, capture, or destruction of the involved ship or ships. We repeat, all travel into the Watchta Subsector is now prohibited, that is all.

Confederate Union of Secton
This is UNACCEPTABLE! We are in the Watchta subsector with you, you just cut off our trade routes to the outside world!
New Corporate Krickan Union
Do not fret, your trade routes will not be your only worries from now on. You impede the great rebirth, which will have severe consequences against you.


New Corporate Krickan Union
We are not scared of your threats, Drodo. We will do what we please in OUR subsector, and protect it against imperialist powers like you. The Confederate Union of Secton is in the way of the great rebirth, and are thus enemies of our race as a whole. So, we will punish them...appropriately, whether you like it or not.


Tyranny Flag Warmaster Mortrig Malevon
This is pointless. You shall in due time be beneath out heel.


New Corporate Krickan Union
Dominatus scum, you will pay for what you did to us when we were the Democratic Technocracy of Mariamar, and when we were under the dominion of the New Federal Vilerg Council.

To whom it may concern,[ | ]


Confederate Union of Secton
*Sirens wailing in background* We are under attack from the New Corporate Krickan Confederation! Our navy is taking heavy losses, and they have taken 320 planets from our grasp! We also have reports, but not confirmed, that they are committing systemic genocide against our species on the planets they have captured. Please help us, we beg of you!
New Corporate Krickan Union
* Maniacal laughter* Let's party!

Template:Msg/Meta Template:Msg/Meta

New Corporate Krickan Union
*Sinister snickering* I'm sorry, but you are too late. The poor little Urikaw species is bye-bye now, besides a few thousand survivors which we are persecuting right now. Ahaha...ahaha...this is a glorious day for the great rebirth.


New Corporate Krickan Union
Do you ACTUALLY think we care for our citizens? We don't give a shit about them, they are just worthless and dumb tools for us to exploit, for us to use towards the path of the great rebirth! We will reign supreme in this sector, and destroy all that block the path, including YOU! We will crush you into oblivion, and throw you into the depths of hell!

Template:Msg/Meta Template:Msg/Meta

New Corporate Krickan Union
Antagonists? What do you think this is, some sort of Forum RP or Story? No, we are the saviors of our race, and will valiantly walk down the path of the Great Rebirth. The Confederate Union of Secton and it's race were in the way of that, so they needed to be removed.
You two are both slag-sucking idiots, bickering like little brats on a public message board. On another note, if it does come to war, the Reavers recently started up a branch nearby, so give us a ring.
Representing The League of Patrons is The Lightbringer, Patron of Truth (The League Channel)
I'm happy to say that a population of Urikaw large enough to continue the species has been rescued by my organization. We have also managed to rescue some of your own citizens, whom you have been forcing to act as guards.
New Corporate Krickan Union
Pfft, we do not care about loosing a few thousand Urikaw, or loosing 50 citizens. However, we traced the prison ship to your empire, and will soon prepare an invasion fleet to head towards it. You have impeded the great rebirth, and for that, you must be punished.
Representing The League of Patrons is The Lightbringer, Patron of Truth (The League Channel)
Thank you for warning us in advance. Lingur is currently preparing a defensive fleet, and Ufo cannot wait to burn more of you to death.
New Corporate Krickan Union
The big bad wolf approached the house of sticks and said "Let me in, let me in little pig...Or I'll huff, and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!" *In high pitched voice.* "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin.", said the little pig. So the wolf huffed...and HE PUFFED, AND HE BLEW HIS HOUSE DOWN! HAHAHA, GET IT? I'M THE WOLF, AND YOU'RE THE LITTLE PIG!

An Introduction and an Offer from the Fartengo Republic[ | ]

The Fartengo Republic have decided it time to reveal ourselves to the Gigaquadrant.

We are the Fartengo Republic from the Delcath Subsector in the Katar Sector of the Milky Way Galaxy. For years our nations grew in isolation. But unified, we shall hide no longer.

The Republic seeks no harm to those who do not pursue it. We seek only allies and trade partners with whom we may grow both our empires. We are small but we have prospered, and seek to trade both resources and technology. We want only peace, but should you seek our destruction our Liberty-class Cruisers shall fight for their name to the very last man.

Our request for trade routes is open to all who possess the means to provide regular transport, regardless of size of philosophy. We only need you to hold up your end of the bargain. Any who wish to establish a trade route should contact us.

The Fartengo Republic thanks you.

A Strange incident in the Aeoneonatrix Empire[ | ]

Aeoneonatrix Empire Flag Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Channel 8 News with Fogeo Knownflame (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
In an interesting and strange story tonight, a male Aeoneonatrix in his twenties was arrested after what police are describing as a “nude rampage.” Sokeyo Flipleaf, age 24 allegedly climbed a 45 foot public statue, stripping his clothes as he climbed. It is said that he then climbed down from the statue and ran across the street, disrupting traffic.

At one point, he is accused of jumping onto a car, stopped at a red light, spinning around and shouting “ADOOBLY DOO ADOOBLY DOO” repeatedly.

Police response allegedly then forced him off the street and into a nearby apartment complex. He is said to have evaded police as he ran through the halls, and into several occupied apartments. Witnesses say he was for whatever reason, flossing his teeth with some thread that he had stolen from one of the apartments.

He allegedly left the building and stole a car, still unclothed, and headed toward a residential area. He allegedly smashed into several homes, before police forced him out of the car. He allegedly fled into one of the nearby homes, and began dancing naked for the shocked family inside who had gathered to view a television show.

Police finally ran into the home after him and arrested him for grand theft auto, destruction of property, and indecent exposure, among several other charges. Miraculously, no one was seriously injured throughout the entire incident.

TIAF Flag TIAF Intergalactic Channel - Lieutenant Samenor
This is why I'm glad I live in the TIAF.
who cares


Aeoneonatrix Empire Flag Representing the Aeoneonatrix Empire is Channel 8 News with Fogeo Knownflame (The Aeoneonatrix Channel)
Welcome back, we now have a follow-up to our previous story. You may remember the male Aeoneonatrix that went on the nude rampage earlier this month. Investigators have confirmed that the individual was high on silver spice, a substance that is known to cause events like this. Police say that they plan to continue cracking down on this drug and its use.
New Corporate Krickan Union
WHAT THE FRAK. NEWS BROADCASTS ON THE UDB, WHAT THE FRAK, *slamming on the communicator can be heard* AHHHHHHHHHHHHSIFNASFNWASIFLSANFAW! In other words, what relevance does this have in gigaquadrant affairs?

Warning from the Borealis Empire[ | ]

This is Galactic Emperor Volim Thrava the First speaking.

The war in Borealis is over. And as such, I am now ruler of the galaxy. Now, id like to make something clear for "all" of you extragalactic simpletons. I want you lot OUT of my galaxy in one galactic month, otherwise I will end you. Either by my galactic fleets which span two dimensions, my Borealis Grid which can defeat Ultraterrestrials, or my Chronoscopic Orb which rivals the powers of Essence Gods.

You bastards have caused only ruckus since you arrived. All this war is bloody well your fault as well. You either leave and never return, or I'll make you wish you were never born at all.


Divinarium Sigil
The Representative of the Holy Divinarium
High Ordinator Venoriel
Spode's truth shall light the way into the future.
These Galactic Empires start becoming a trend in the Gigaquadrantic politics. I should appeal to the Highlords to make one too... how should we call it? The Great Andromedan Imperium or something... Doesn't matter. And, yes... technically, some of the Commonwealth member empires are Borealis natives; hereby, we are not extragalactics per se.
Representing the Borealis Consortium Network is: General Volim (Communications)
You really want to try out my patience, wench? I've felt like snapping you in half for many months now.
Viceroy Vindevus Ultanos of the Draconid Imperium
Phah. The Imperium refuses to bow to such brutish behaviour. Our forces will remain. Mark my words. Unless the Grand Senate or His Esteemed Majesty say otherwise. And if you have a problem with that, take it up with him. The Imperium shall remain as a beacon of order, culture and safety in this madness you have created.

Dominicus Vinterva. Emperor.
Representing the Borealis Consortium Network is: Captain Torrent (Communications)
I've walways hated posh people like you lot. If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you're gonna get!
Viceroy Vindevus Ultanos of the Draconid Imperium
Fine. But we are only defending ourselves here.
Grimb Incoming Transmission - DCP Channel
Feeling a little flat lately, General Volim? Your two dimensional fleet is a threat to no-one!
Representing the Borealis Consortium Network is: General Volim (Communications)
Bah. Just because you can take on the Grox, doesn't mean you can take ME on, insect.
I for one welcome the creation of a united galactic power to the Borealis Galaxy. So long as you do not act against our Heleanorian citizens in Borealis, I wish you well.

Representing the Borealis Consortium Network is: General Volim (Communications)
If by citizens you mean my new slaves, sure yes. Also, you're also extragalactic, so you better get the hell off my galaxy.
Ah, so you are yet another example of the countless intellectual wonders that make up the outer Gigaquadrant. Splendid. In any case, we decline your invitation to leave. We hope that this will not lead to hostilities, but we will have no issue with taming you if you fail to heed this warning. However, if you decide to come to your senses, we would be happy to forgive you.

Representing the Kicathian Remnant is: Agent Nu (Communicate)
You sound afraid, Emperor. Perhaps you should be reminded on what true 'Essence God' power really is.
Representing the Borealis Consortium Network is: General Volim (Communications)
Is that supposed to be a threat? I've dealt with bigger fish than you.
Representing the Kicathian Remnant is: Agent Nu (Communicate)
Incidentally, my dear tyrant, you have not. I assure you.
TIAF Flag TIAF Intergalactic Channel - Commander Lorrelas
Your fleets span two dimensions? Good luck fighting a war in a 3D universe. You have no right to be telling people to get out of the galaxy, and as most people might know we will not entertain any demands to do so.

Hey, do you hear that? That's the sound of me not giving a flying shit. *goes back to organizing fleets*
While political dick-waving contests are about as important to me as the number of Celestian sludge-rats that can fit on the top of my hat, I couldn't possibly let this little soiree go by without offering the good citizens (i.e. everyone who isn't a pompous, self-obsessed idiot) of Borealis the use of one of hundreds of FTL-capable colony ships which the Reavers currently possess.

Move a city, a colony, or maybe even a whole planet's worth of people in luxury and style, all for an affordable price, while enjoying light entertainment in the form of derogatory humour at the expense of the new galactic regime!

Ladies and gentlemen, this has been Admiral Kaios, wishing you a life long enough to see slag-suckers like this one here get humiliated in front of the gigaquadrant.
Oh. Oh dear. This was not supposed to be here. Move along, people! Nothing to see here! Just some temporal screwing being fixed.