
Headline text[]

The way to change is pay 10 millions and fill 50 ecosystems.

  • "First you must ally with an empire following this philosophy with a strength factor of 4 or 5" - What does this even mean? I've never heard the term 'strength factor', and it's driving me crazy because I can't seem to get them to offer me the mission at 335 Reputation points, and that's after doing everything I can think of: Missions, an Embassy, Trading, Gifts, etc... What am I missing here? Novawolf 08:33, 24 September 2008 (UTC)
I agree that this bears more explanation. Im not sure how to categorize it, and it needs a screenshot. Anyway, when you mouse over a star in the galaxy view, or a planet in the solar system view, that is owned by another empire, you see a tooltip showing the name of the object being mosued over, highlighted in the color of the empire. On the right hand side is a face, angry, unhappy, neutral, smiling or very happy. Just to the left of that is a yellow star containing a number, 1..5 - indicating the relative size of the empire. I have an empire with 11 stars thats listed as a 4. And one with 20 odd thats a 5. Farproc 20:04, 25 September 2008 (UTC)
To further add to the mystery, I managed to get the Ecologist empire I wanted to offer me the mission at Factor 4, though somehow through the course of doing the mission, it fell back down to 3. I grabbed it at just the right time. I did nothing (to my knowledge) to change this number. It does need much more research.

The strength factor, or what i call it star level, is a thing that show how large a empire is you can see a empires level by putting your mouse over one of their stars, you will see a small star symbol with a number in it. the number depends on how large the empire is, for example if the empire only owns one-three planets its a level 1 empire, if they own 4-6 planets they are a level 2 empire and so on. level 4 empires have about 9-13 planets, and level 5 empires have 20-35 planets, the grox are a evel 5 empire too even though they have 2400 stars. Sporesauce Talk page[[Special:Editcount/Sporesauce 95|Special:Editcount/Sporesauce 95 Edits]]


The Ecologist may be a Communism. I can't find a good link for this, so I'll just tell you the basics: In a Communist community everyone is supposed to be equal.--Liquid Ink 07:50, 31 August 2009 (UTC)

They may have a different form of Communism. I think they are some form of republic but communism may also make sense. —Preceding signed comment added by TimeMaster (talkcontribs) 14:27, 31 August 2009 (UTC)

I think they might take turns in leadership.--Liquid Ink 07:15, September 4, 2009 (UTC)

Just about any form of government could apply to them, so long as that government were focused on their philosophy. Authoritarian governments seem unlikely, though, since such governments tend to focus more on maintaining their own power than anything else. Communism (as described by Marx) or something leaning towards anarchy does seems especially likely, though, given their seeming inclination towards egalitarian beliefs, and the fact they say so little about their government as to suggest it barely exists at all. ComradeJim270 00:55, October 24, 2009 (UTC)

I think it varies from race to race. DaLucarayRox 21:34, January 21, 2010 (UTC)DaLucaray

Similarity to shamans[]

They are always talking about circles of life or harmony. I wonder why maxis made the 2 so similar.

Ecologists talk about nature and life Shamans talk about a spiritual world and peace, they are not materialist either. Wormulon 10:18, December 9, 2009 (UTC)

Funny Definition[]

My definition of Ecologists- All happy-sappy-nice, dancing with birds and butterflies. Then comes an EVIL LOGGER/POLLUTER/ECT.! (Gasp!) The Ecologist blows them to smithereens. Back to start. DaLucarayRox 21:33, January 21, 2010 (UTC)DaLucaray

Actually, I think Ecologists as evil scientists who clone evil things (Grox, Xhodocto), create chimeras (genetic chimeras, not greek mythology), and try to find cures for cancer that turns the populace into Vampires! No, actually, I don't think that. I think the Hippie definition was sufficient enough. But then there is that communism thing! Haha! That was hilarious! Ecologists fit the communism niche quite nicely, don't you think?Jex1 13:34, March 6, 2010 (UTC)

I have no idea. DaLucaray Click Here! Message Board The Lucaray Raptor 19:47, October 12, 2010 (UTC)

Ecologist Training[]

It's no use to erase and place again to accomplish the training. I did, but it doesn't count. Vlevin 16:45, July 1, 2011 (UTC)

Wrong Data[]

"Filling 50 ecosystems means completing a T3 food level 50 times, not raising the T-Score 50 times. " unless the badge is different. I just filled out the terrascore for each planet which increases the number. Also clue is that 'ecosystems' its plural. Plus we live in T1 planet on Earth we have filled out a ecosystem. (singular) Thus, it would count and you have wrong data here. 14:29, December 20, 2011 (UTC)

I just edited the mission description, it was misleading. You only have to finish a food chain to get 1 point in it, not completely terraforming the planet to T3. That awards 3 points.AnguisFuror (talk) 11:11, March 30, 2013 (UTC)
