
When some great calamity comes, I've always thought that we could just fight it. Gather our strength, like during the Great War, or when we hunted down the Brotherhood, find the villain responsible, and just punch the problem away. Turns out, the world is more complex than that. Sometimes, there comes a storm that no great hero and no act of self-sacrifice can overcome.

But that doesn't mean we are powerless before the storm. We can still endure it. We can struggle, labour, rebuild - and in doing so, attain a victory that is far more lasting. And that - that is the Ecumene. Created not in a heroic battle, like the Old Commonwealth, but through the years of toil and sweat. We've been broken, but we've rebuilt ourselves in a new shape. Are we better for it?

- From the memoirs of Quendor Telnhao

When Andromeda Galaxy was engulfed in the fires of the Shattering and the empires of the Old Commonwealth were sundered, many thought it a lost cause - forever doomed to remain in chaos, like Tuuros or Old Ottzello. Instead, as the decades passed on, the shards of the broken galaxy came to mend themselves back together. Even while spacetime rifts still continued to separate Andromeda into a million pieces, the newborn nations that inhabited these pieces would join forces to build a better future, and from their efforts, a new nation would be born - the Pan-Andromedan Ecumene.

Formed from an ever-growing network of economic and defense alliances, the Ecumene is a patchwork federation made up of the many remnant states born after the Shattering, joined for the sake of mutual survival. Unlike the old Commonwealth, it is not dominated by a single nation or group of nations like its predecessor, and at its head are not the Highlords but the Diet, a council of equals. The imperial past of its predecessors forgotten in the cataclysm, the people of the Ecumene desire little more than a peaceful existence - no longer aspiring for greatness or dominance in the Gigaquadrant.

The Ecumene is, in many ways, a nation born of contradictions. Its people pride themselves on their high culture, and yet are rugged survivors living in irradiated ruins; they revere their glorious history, yet have little desire to ever reclaim it. The hundreds of states that comprise the Ecumene are always at each other’s threat - yet none are strong to ever challenge its unity. Thus the unwieldy union continues to survive - and even thrive, to an extent - in the ever-shifting Gigaquadrant, keeping the broken galaxy alive against all odds.


Andromeda Galaxy

Note: Monet47's fiction is in bold, TheImperios' fiction is in italics, Hachi's fiction is underlined.
Galactic events
The New Dawn rises.